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19 votes

Save a macro just created in vimrc

Yes, you can! There are a couple ways to do this. By default, all registers will be saved into your viminfo file, and loaded once you start vim. This is the easiest way. However, it's not foolproof. ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
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17 votes

Visual Block Mode edit with sequential number

Depending on your usecase the following might be useful: Create the entries all with the number "1": - "1" - "1" - "1" - "1" Then go to the second "1" and press V to start line-wise visual. Then ...
Ralf's user avatar
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15 votes

How do I check if Vim is currently recording a macro?

Since Vim 8.1-0020, there is a reg_recording() function that'll return the name of the current register being recorded. An empty string is returned if we are not recording.
Luc Hermitte's user avatar
  • 17.8k
12 votes

Can I repeat a macro with the "dot operator"?

Give this a try. It remaps @ so that g@ (plus a dummy motion l) is used afterwards, thus becoming the last operator and subject to repeating with .. " When . repeats g@, repeat the last macro. fun! ...
Antony's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I do calculations with vim Macros?

Yes, you can perform arithmetic expressions in Vim by using the expression register, which you can access from insert mode using CTRL-R. Another alternative is to use expressions in the replacement ...
filbranden's user avatar
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10 votes

Can I repeat a macro with the "dot operator"?

To repeat your last macro you can use @@ so 3@@ would essentially run @q 3 times. However the @ keystrokes can be unwieldy, so in my .vimrc I have the lines: "- Lazy macro repeat nmap <leader&...
Shadoath's user avatar
  • 258
10 votes

How to force macro keep running even pattern is not found?

You can use :try to do that (:h :try). Here is an example (I didn't use your macro because you posted it as an image and it's not easy to copy :) ) let @z=':try|s/foo/bar/|catch||endtry^M' (Note ...
statox's user avatar
  • 50.5k
10 votes

Weird behaviour when repeating macro

TL;DR if you're going to make a macro, choose a letter to record to instead of any symbol. This is very odd behavior, but it does make sense. To understand why, first we need to back up a little bit ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 17.9k
9 votes

Insert code snippets?

The :r command can read a file containing a code snippet and insert it to your active buffer. Unless I'm missing something, I believe this would address your request.
StandardEyre's user avatar
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9 votes

How to force macro keep running even pattern is not found?

Since you're using the s command, you could simply use the e flag. From :help :s_flags: When the search pattern fails, do not issue an error message and, in particular, continue in maps as if no ...
Owen's user avatar
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9 votes

How to create a vimrc macro using :sort?

You've already (rightly) accepted an answer that provides a much simpler method of achieving your goal, but I thought I'd address a few of the other issues raised by your question. The problems with ...
Rich's user avatar
  • 32.6k
9 votes

How to put quotation marks (') in the content of a vim macro?

you add another single quote to escape your single quote inside your vim macro let @r=':%s/''/"/g' from if your register must itself contain single quote ...
Martin Lee's user avatar
8 votes

How to execute a macro in command mode?

Use :h execute combined with :h normal, like so: :for i in range(1,10) | if i > 5 | exe "normal @w" | endif | endfor Short explanation: execute/exe runs it's argument as an Ex command and normal ...
grodzik's user avatar
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8 votes

How to turn several commands into a macro without recording?

Well, if you want turn them into a macro specifically, then this is pretty easy to do. The thing you need to know about macro registers is that they are exactly the same as text registers that you cut/...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 17.9k
8 votes

How to play recorder macro in SpaceVim?

SpaceVim uses leaderqr instead of q because it remaps q to another function. As far as I can tell from the documentation, @ is not used for another function: so you play back macros in the usual way: ...
Rich's user avatar
  • 32.6k
8 votes

How to create a vimrc macro using :sort?

As simple as that: nnoremap <Leader>s Vip:sort<CR> ip is an "inner paragraph" object, i.e. a piece of text between two empty lines.
Matt's user avatar
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7 votes

Run macro between buffers

Just for completeness's sake (and so that this doesn't get bumped in six months by Community): You can put a buffer command (:b) in macros. For your case: qqggD:b#^Mo^R":b#^Mq Where "#" is the ...
Tumbler41's user avatar
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7 votes

Go forward to first alphabetic character

Based on DLMcMMayhem's hint, I found that following search will do what you need: /\A*\zs\a \A* searches for zero or more non-alphabetic characters (equivalent to [^A-Za-z]) \a searches for any ...
jpaugh's user avatar
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7 votes

Remapping Alt key in terminal: problem with macros

The problem is caused by the way that terminals have historically handled the Alt/Meta key. Back in the mists of history, some computers/terminals had a Meta key. When this was held down while ...
Rich's user avatar
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7 votes

Yank both sides of equation

This can be done with either regex+substitute or macros Substitute. This is the same as your regex except the important parts are surrounded by \( . \) to create capture groups. These are referred ...
Mass's user avatar
  • 14.3k
7 votes

How to prevent stopping a macro on unsuccessful substitution?

I've figured it out thanks to this. One needs to put an e flag to the substitution so the substitution looks like this: :%s/ \(kb\d\+\),/ \1.0,/ge. e suppresses the error message and lets the macro ...
VaNa's user avatar
  • 241
7 votes

How can I do calculations with vim Macros?

When I see the not so short vim solution :s/\(.*\),\(.*\)/\=submatch(0).','.(submatch(1)+submatch(2))/ following statement from comes to my mind: “Vim is ...
Hotschke's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I get my signature with a date inserted in my changelog?

Here's a simple, somewhat dumb solution, that doesn't require any plug-ins or anything. Just add this snippet to your vimrc: iabbrev <expr> debsig \ ' -- Alexis Wilke <alexis@example....
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.9k
7 votes

Can macros be edited?

I want to end up in insert mode after a macro. Is there a way to do that? Yes! You can stop recording a macro using Ctrl+O, q (Ctrl+O is a sequence to enter a single Normal-mode command from Insert ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.9k
6 votes

Can I repeat a macro with the "dot operator"?

You can record the use of a macro in another macro, and repeat that. qqdwq qr2@qq Now 3@r is like running @q six times.
jjaderberg's user avatar
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6 votes

Insert code snippets?

StandardEyre's answer is the most direct answer for the body of your question, but you may also be interested in checking out one (or several) of the many snippet plugins for Vim, such as Ultisnips, ...
8bittree's user avatar
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6 votes

How to apply a macro for every single matching pattern

Another way that also works across files is to use :h :vimgrep with g flag: Without the 'g' flag each line is added only once. With 'g' every match is added. The workflow is: ...
dedowsdi's user avatar
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6 votes

Replay a vim macro until specified line number

I think you can use this for specific line :10,15 norm! @d If you want something like until line, you can use this instead :.,15 norm! @d Or a more visual way, by selecting the lines you want to ...
Rickyson's user avatar
6 votes

Inserting the content of a register where a macro is recorded results in control characters becoming unicode characters

The ^[<80><fd>a sequence is a <Nop>, which means Vim recognizes this key sequence as valid, but it produces no action at all. The reason why Vim will insert a <Nop> right after ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.9k
5 votes

Repeating multi-lines and increment numbers in specific sections?

A macro is certainly capable of doing this. Starting with the first three lines as a template entry 100/1/1 fields value 1 other section 1 is valid Place your cursor on the first line and ...
Tumbler41's user avatar
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