Give this a try. It remaps @
so that g@
(plus a dummy motion l
) is used afterwards, thus becoming the last operator and subject to repeating with .
" When . repeats g@, repeat the last macro.
fun! AtRepeat(_)
" If no count is supplied use the one saved in s:atcount.
" Otherwise save the new count in s:atcount, so it will be
" applied to repeats.
let s:atcount = v:count ? v:count : s:atcount
" feedkeys() rather than :normal allows finishing in Insert
" mode, should the macro do that. @@ is remapped, so 'opfunc'
" will be correct, even if the macro changes it.
call feedkeys(s:atcount.'@@')
fun! AtSetRepeat(_)
set opfunc=AtRepeat
" Called by g@ being invoked directly for the first time. Sets
" 'opfunc' ready for repeats with . by calling AtSetRepeat().
fun! AtInit()
" Make sure setting 'opfunc' happens here, after initial playback
" of the macro recording, in case 'opfunc' is set there.
set opfunc=AtSetRepeat
return 'g@l'
" Enable calling a function within the mapping for @
nno <expr> <plug>@init AtInit()
" A macro could, albeit unusually, end in Insert mode.
ino <expr> <plug>@init "\<c-o>".AtInit()
fun! AtReg()
let s:atcount = v:count1
let c = nr2char(getchar())
return '@'.c."\<plug>@init"
nmap <expr> @ AtReg()
I've tried to handle as many corner cases as I can think of. You can
repeat @:
with .
. Counts to @
or .
are retained for subsequent
presses of .
This is tricky, and I'm not convinced that something won't break
somewhere along the way. So no guarantees, warranties, or promises with
this one.
Personally, I'm okay having a difference between the fine-grained
repeats of .
for the last change, and the macro repeats of @@
I figured, having gone this far, that I may as well add some additional code that will allow pressing .
after recording a macro to play it back.
fun! QRepeat(_)
call feedkeys('@'.s:qreg)
fun! QSetRepeat(_)
set opfunc=QRepeat
fun! QStop()
set opfunc=QSetRepeat
return 'g@l'
nno <expr> <plug>qstop QStop()
ino <expr> <plug>qstop "\<c-o>".QStop()
let s:qrec = 0
fun! QStart()
if s:qrec == 1
let s:qrec = 0
return "q\<plug>qstop"
let s:qreg = nr2char(getchar())
if s:qreg =~# '[0-9a-zA-Z"]'
let s:qrec = 1
return 'q'.s:qreg
nmap <expr> q QStart()
repeats the last macro, so if you are asking this for the sake of mappings and such, it should work for you.