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17 votes

Copying multiple words (from different lines) and paste them at once

Use an uppercase register when yanking (copying): "Ay "A says to append to the a register, as opposed to "a which would replace the contents of the a register. Once you've copied everything into ...
8bittree's user avatar
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16 votes

How to replace string with register content?

N.B. In all the below, I presume that your question is only about the method of accessing the register's contents from an ex command, and that the rest of your :substitute command (which replaces only ...
Rich's user avatar
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14 votes

How can I easily list the content of the registers before pasting?

This peekaboo plugin is pretty good for for previewing registers. When you press " or @ in normal mode, or ctrl-r in insert mode, a split will open to show you the register contents. Preview from ...
Tommy A's user avatar
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12 votes

Repeat last yank

If you include the flag y in the cpoptions option; set cpoptions+=y then yanks may be repeated using .. See :help cpo-y: *cpo-y* y A yank command can be redone ...
Mass's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I clear a register/multiple registers completely?

For those wanting to remove the register name (say, a) from the :registers list, there is a way to do it now. Run the command :call setreg('a', []). I found this out from this question on ...
Jason Cemra's user avatar
11 votes

How to source a part of a file

After you've done your Visual selection run this: y:@"<CR> y copies the selection to the unnamed register (") since we didn't explicitly name a register. Then :@" executes the contents of that ...
dedowsdi's user avatar
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9 votes

Get list of lines that begin with a pattern

This can be done pretty easily with the global command. I would try this: :let @a='' :g/^function/y A First we must call :let @a='' to make sure that the 'a' register is empty. Then, the global ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I easily list the content of the registers before pasting?

I made up this mapping to display the register list and select the one to be pasted: nnoremap "p :reg <bar> exec 'normal! "'.input('>').'p'<CR> This display the register list with :...
nobe4's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I easily list the content of the registers before pasting?

I would recommend using :reg It will show the contents of all registers (you can scroll through using j and k). If you just want to show the contents of one register, you can go to command mode ...
DoYouEvenCodeBro's user avatar
8 votes

How does Vim knows if register contents were from a linewise selection when pasting?

You can use getregtype() to get a register's type (characterwise, linewise, blockwise). echo getregtype('a') This will yield, v, V, or <c-v> for the "a register. For more help see: :h ...
Peter Rincker's user avatar
8 votes

How to use register in a script without side effect?

If your Vim contains the patch 8.2.0924, then try to use getreginfo(): function Foo() let save_cb = &cb let regInfo = getreginfo('"') try norm! y{motion} do ...
user938271's user avatar
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8 votes

Execute Ex command inside expression register

You use a command :echo in place of an expression :help expr. There is however a function (whose invocation is an expr8 or expr9) that executes commands: "=execute('echo "hello"')<CR&...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
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7 votes

Visually selecting a line and then deleting does not copy to black hole register

nnoremap only affects [n]ormal mode and will not affect [v]isual mode. You need vnoremap for that: vnoremap d "_d
Tumbler41's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is a Line Feed converted into a Null character inside the search register and into a Carriage Return on the command line?

First, thank you for this very comprehensive and thoughtful post. After some testing, I have come to this conclusion: Control characters are displayed using the caret notation: ^M for <CR> (...
Géry Ogam's user avatar
7 votes

How can I clear a register/multiple registers completely?

Put this in your .vimrc: command! WipeReg for i in range(34,122) | silent! call setreg(nr2char(i), []) | endfor and clear every register with :WipeReg If you would like that to happen every time ...
laktak's user avatar
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7 votes

In neovim, how can I share registers between editor instances?

No idea about the clientserver feature, the simplest way I can think of would be to use the system clipboard by default when yanking or pasting which can be done with: set clipboard=unnamedplus ...
LEI's user avatar
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7 votes

Copying multiple words (from different lines) and paste them at once

You could also define your own custom operator which would yank incrementally any text-object or text covered by a motion: fu! Incremental_yank(type, ...) abort if a:type ==# 'char' norm! ...
user9433424's user avatar
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7 votes

How to concatenate two registers?

It is not exactly clear what you would like to happen when e.g. one register contains a linewise selection and the other one contains a block selection. But for the easy case, you can always do (as ...
Christian Brabandt's user avatar
7 votes

How to replace string with register content?

I was looking for this same thing today, and thanks to Rich's answer regarding usage of execute in Vimscript, came to this interactive method that does not involve Ctrl-R. :s/:/\=getreg('0')/g Thank ...
nplusplus's user avatar
7 votes

Registers ” vs @

Note: all of the following information (and much more) can be found using :help @, :help ", :help let-@, and :help expr-register "ap,"ad, &c.: use register a in a put from or ...
Mass's user avatar
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7 votes

Is it possible to run a script on a register content and send its output to another register on Vim?

You could do this: let @b=system("time.bash " . @a) The @a is register a and @b is register b. The system(...) runs a command and returns the output. The result is a line, so when you paste it, you ...
Ralf's user avatar
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7 votes

Yank both sides of equation

This can be done with either regex+substitute or macros Substitute. This is the same as your regex except the important parts are surrounded by \( . \) to create capture groups. These are referred ...
Mass's user avatar
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7 votes

running external command on contents of register

Not with the ! command. You'll have to use system instead. From :h system(): system({expr} [, {input}]) *system()* *E677* Get the output of the shell command {expr} as a string. ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
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7 votes

Expression register and fractions

As none of your numbers contains a decimal point (:help floating-point-format), Vim treats the expression as integer division, and also gives an integer result. Simply specify one or both numbers as ...
Ingo Karkat's user avatar
7 votes

Write register 0 to file

Have you tried to obtain the register as a list instead? See :h getreg() :call writefile(getreg('0', 1, 1), ....) PS: temporary filenames are best obtained with tempname() Now, let's put this into ...
Luc Hermitte's user avatar
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7 votes

Vim not storing numbered registers

Vim automatically stores previously yanked texts into registers from 1 to 9 That's not accurate. Registers 1 through 9 are actually used for the previously delete or change commands. Yank commands ...
filbranden's user avatar
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7 votes

Recover whole search pattern for substitute command

As B Layer said, Vim interprets the rest of the pattern (namely, foo/bar.../) as an invalid offset, so it throws that bit away. I have found, however, an alternative: q/ opens the complete search ...
Quasímodo's user avatar
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7 votes

Recover whole search pattern for substitute command

I wasn't going to post this beyond my comment but then I see it turned into a competition. ;) If you mistakenly enter /%s/foo/bar/ when you actually want to run :%s/foo/bar/ then you just need these ...
B Layer's user avatar
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6 votes

In neovim, how can I share registers between editor instances?

LEI is right; and the neovim help instructions give this as a specific use case for that feature: Two commands can be used to read and write the ShaDa file manually. This can be used to exchange ...
kdannyob's user avatar
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6 votes

How to store all occurrences of a multiline search in a register?

It turns out something along these lines works (although there might well be better ways) -- using a substitute-without-substituting command instead of a global command: Starting with the answer here:...
Jonathan's user avatar
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