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20 votes

Delete n lines skip 1 line script

Very simple approach: Move to the first line you want to delete. Record a macro: qa3ddjq Repeat it with a high number: 1000@a Step three will repeat the macro a thousand times or until an error is ...
Ralf's user avatar
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18 votes

Delete n lines skip 1 line script

The easiest solution to me would be: :%norm j3dd That is: %: for every line norm: run the following keys as if in normal mode j3dd: go down one line then delete 3 lines So from the first line, go ...
Marth's user avatar
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12 votes

Repeat motion easily

Since you mentioned cursor movement but not ; there is of course ; Repeat latest f, t, F or T [count] times. , Repeat latest f, t, F or T in opposite direction [count] times. This is very ...
laktak's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I insert a character repeatedly until even with next line?

Short answer v $ r * :help v_r Longer answer y y p / P     Duplicate line to below/above 2 l                    Move to position from where to overwrite (in this case 3rd column ← 2 to ...
Aaron Thoma's user avatar
12 votes

Repeat last yank

If you include the flag y in the cpoptions option; set cpoptions+=y then yanks may be repeated using .. See :help cpo-y: *cpo-y* y A yank command can be redone ...
Mass's user avatar
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9 votes

Repeat last normal command

. repeats the last change, and usually does what you want (combine with, e.g., cgn for a great sequence). For registers, @@ repeats the last register. @: repeats the last ex command. This is ...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
8 votes

Unexpected behavior using "<count>J" to join multiple lines

After further research and office discussion, I realize this is indeed the expected behavior. According to the vim help: J Join [count] lines, with a minimum of two lines. I've always thought [...
Eric Burgess's user avatar
7 votes

Repeat complex actions over a number of lines (in Vim)

I like using a macro recording for this kind of task, since that allows me to use the Vim commands I know already to move and edit, rather than having to write (and debug!) regexps to accomplish the ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.9k
6 votes

How to delete blocks of text which contain a specific string?

You can use a macro: Once your search register is set to Subject: Bar you can empty a register (q in this example) and record the following macro: qqq qqndap@qq The first line empties the q ...
statox's user avatar
  • 50.5k
6 votes

Delete n lines skip 1 line script

You have some great solutions already available. Here is another one: :g/^/if line('.')%4!=1|:s/^/DELETE ME/|endif :g/^DELETE ME/d First, we perform an action on every line (:g matching against the ^...
Christian Brabandt's user avatar
6 votes

How to apply a macro for every single matching pattern

Another way that also works across files is to use :h :vimgrep with g flag: Without the 'g' flag each line is added only once. With 'g' every match is added. The workflow is: ...
dedowsdi's user avatar
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6 votes

Replay a vim macro until specified line number

I think you can use this for specific line :10,15 norm! @d If you want something like until line, you can use this instead :.,15 norm! @d Or a more visual way, by selecting the lines you want to ...
Rickyson's user avatar
6 votes

Execute command for multiple files

First, you are running Vim, not Vi, because the latter does not offer the retab command. Assuming the file should be modified (that is what x does below), you can pipe the commands to Ex improved mode ...
Quasímodo's user avatar
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6 votes

Execute command for multiple files

You can use the -c argument in the command-line to run commands in Vim after opening a file. You can pass it multiple times to run the several separate commands. Once you run the editing commands, you'...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.9k
5 votes

How do I run a shell command periodically and silently from within Vi?

As @ChristianBrabandt mentions in the comments, presuming you're using a reasonably recent version of Vim, you could do this with a timer. In fact, you can virtually just copy-paste the example in ...
Rich's user avatar
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5 votes

How to apply a register to a command?

This is not exactly what you want, but you could visually select your lines, then run this global command: g/^/exe 'norm! "adiwD' | exe 'norm! '.@a.'p' ├───┘│ ├────┘ ...
user938271's user avatar
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4 votes

Run a command on every match of a search (not on the line)

You can use the expression register, see :h sub-replace-expression: :s/search/\=MyFunction(submatch(0))/ The submatch() function can also be used directly inside the function, which would make the ...
Karl Yngve Lervåg's user avatar
4 votes

Bundling command sequences together for repeat (.)

Vim only stores the last executed command, and only that gets repeated by .; in my opinion, anything else would be difficult to handle. If you feel the need to repeat the Yp combo as a single entity, ...
Ingo Karkat's user avatar
4 votes

Repeat motion easily

As the comments to your post indicate, the best solution to this question is usually to find a different approach, like vim-easymotion*. However, on the general topic of repeating a normal mode ...
Lstor's user avatar
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4 votes

Down and . X times?

You can use a macro, though it does require a (small) bit of planning ahead: qqdt}jq4@q will work, assuming your cursor is starting on the first line on the space after value:. Here's an explanation:...
8bittree's user avatar
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4 votes

Down and . X times?

I would use a macro: Juste before the deletion do: qqdf)jq Which means: qq start to record a macro in the register q df) your deletion j go down one line q stop recording the macro Then you can ...
statox's user avatar
  • 50.5k
4 votes

Repeat complicated motions

Plugin repmo-vim by Andy Wakula The plugin #2174 listed on is, according to the description, outdated: 2016 Nov 22 started a new script at
Hotschke's user avatar
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4 votes

Valid usecases for `=` macro register

So let's begin by quoting the doc :h @= When typing the '=' after " or CTRL-R the cursor moves to the command-line, where you can enter any expression (see |expression|). All normal command-line ...
statox's user avatar
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4 votes

Delete n lines skip 1 line script

I know this is the vi channel, but to me this is a sed problem. sed -ne 'p;n;n;n' <file >newfile So you can wrangle it into a vi solution: :0 !Gsed -ne 'p;n;n;n'
dgc's user avatar
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4 votes

How to apply a macro for every single matching pattern

Search for your pattern using /, then play your macro @@—you can record a new macro for this by doing /pattern<CR>qqn@aq Assuming @a holds your original macro. Then @q will jump to the next ...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
  • 27.7k
4 votes

Is it possible to properly repeat a visual replacement?

Explanation of the problem The visual put + repeat pattern is quite broken in vim. Internally, vim implements visual puts as a literal visual delete followed by a normal mode put. However, only the ...
Mass's user avatar
  • 14.3k
4 votes

Understanding the use of ., in the global command

The . and , here are not Normal-mode commands for repeating last change and repeating last line motion... Instead, the command executed by a :g is actually an Ex command, same as those you type in the ...
filbranden's user avatar
  • 29.9k
3 votes

Unexpected behavior using "<count>J" to join multiple lines

It is the described behaviour. :help J states Join [count] lines, with a minimum of two lines
Naumann's user avatar
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3 votes

remap ':' to maintain last command, and erase all char if any key other than <CR> was pressed

The following should solve your issue: nnoremap <expr> : ShowLastCmd() function! ShowLastCmd() echohl ModeMsg echo ':' . getreg(':') echohl None while 1 try let char = ...
Karl Yngve Lervåg's user avatar
3 votes

Repeat not only last command

From what I understand Vim doesn’t have a way of repeating normal mode history use a while back, unless you write it out to a file:
alpha_989's user avatar
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