As the title stated, remap ':' to maintain last command, and erase all char if any key other than <CR> was pressed.

possible use cases:

  • I have typed a long command, and I may or may not modified it, then re-run it.
  • I save a lot, so I want type :, then visually verify :w is there, then type <CR> to proceed. -- I have remapped :saveas<CR> to <Leader>s.

things that are not what I pursue:

  • I know about q: or <C-f> in cmdline mode to open the mini buffer to edit command.
  • I know type @: then @@ to repeat command.
  • I know type <C-p> or <Up> in cmdline mode.

a little more on motivation:

Repeat with register/macro is great and is really handy for some task.

But here I want a more consistent and safer (visually verification/feedback) way to re-run last command, with fewer key stroke.

Is that possible? or not trivially implementable at all??

======== EDIT ========

Based on @Karl's comment, I think the problem could be implemented via a function definition and a nnoremap. The function consist three parts:

  1. echo last command getreg(':'), then get char with getchar

  2. if char == '^M', re-execute last command.

  3. otherwise, open command line and act accordingly.

My first attempt is as below: -- (based on @grodzik's answer and @Karl's idea in the comment)

func! Show_last_command_and_exec()
    echo ':'.getreg(':')
        let char = getchar()
    catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
        let char = "\<Esc>"
    if char == "^M"
        exec getreg(':')
        " not work, don't know why, tried with previous comand be `:pwd`
        " not work, don't know which function or command should be used.
        " below are failed attempt.
        " normal! :
        " call feedkeys(char)
        " exec ':'.char

nnore : :call Show_last_command_and_exec()<CR>

But unfortunately, except the trivial first echo part, neither work yet. I post my attempt (though failed currently) here, hope someone interested may implement a better one that work nicely.

P.S. as @grodzik said in his answer, the "^M" should be replaced with real <CR> sign.

  • P.P.S. I observed the stated behavior in evil-mode of emacs, and thought, cool, how can I re-implement it with vimscript so I can use it in vim.
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 12:03
  • First part is quite easy: nnoremap : :<C-p>. Not sure about erasing it when pressing something else than <CR>
    – grodzik
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 12:12
  • Your are right, the first part is quite easy. For erase part, I have no clue yet.
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 12:41
  • How about using <C-u> to erase whole line in Ex-mode? I know it's extra key press, but auto erasing seems impossible.
    – grodzik
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 12:57
  • yeah, I also doubt I was over-engineer here. Or I should just be happy with <C-p>, <C-u> and <C-f> in cmdline mode.
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 13:00

3 Answers 3


The following should solve your issue:

nnoremap <expr> : ShowLastCmd()

function! ShowLastCmd()
  echohl ModeMsg
  echo ':' . getreg(':')
  echohl None

  while 1
      let char = getchar()
      if char == '^\d\+$' || type(char) == 0
        let char = nr2char(char)
    catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
      return ''

    if char == "\<cursorhold>"
    elseif char == "\<cr>"
      return ':' . getreg(':') . "\<cr>"
      return ':' . char

The while loops is there to catch the <cursorhold> key event.

  • thx Karl, It works like a charm, really nice!! A minor note, when last command's echo contents exceed one page, eg reg, then press : do not show last command. -- is that a case of <cursorhold> or vim in a different mode other than normal mode? P.S. I do read :h <cursorhold> and CursorHold-example, and find it not very helpful here for me.
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 22, 2017 at 3:03
  • I don't quite understand what you mean. If I do :reg, enter, then do :, there is not problem. I've updated the code to fix the problem with <cursorhold> (i.e., if you did : and waited with the old version it would not do what you wanted). Commented Apr 22, 2017 at 7:03
  • sorry for the unclearness, the problem has nothing to do with :reg, the problem is when last command echo many contents -- there is --More-- at the bottom of echo erea -- eg, open 100+ file then type :ls. then it fails. P.S. or some option matters here?
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 22, 2017 at 10:31
  • besides that, it works fine. -- though, it has basically no practical problem for me. thanks.
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 22, 2017 at 10:33
  • Ok, I think I've fixed that minor issue now. :) Commented Apr 22, 2017 at 17:23

After a bit of hacking, I actually found a way to achive that:

function! AutoErase()
  setlocal cursorline
  normal Gk
    let char = getchar()
  catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
    let char = "\<Esc>"
  if char == '^\d\+$' || type(char) == 0
    let char = nr2char(char)
  endif " It is the ascii code.
  if char == "^M"
    call feedkeys('^M')
    execute "normal Gi" . char

autocmd CmdwinEnter * call AutoErase()
nnoremap : q:

This will show Command Window though and command to be executed when pressed Enter is the one highlited. Also, it may be required to change in .vimrc signs with ^M into real <CR> signs with CtrlvEnter.

  • thanks for your reply, I copy the code into .vimrc and start vim with vim -u .vimrc, also I do change ^M to true ascii <CR>, and it not work correctly. type : open Command Window immediately.
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 14:00
  • then I type :pwd and excute. after that, when I type : again, last command was not show, just the Command Window open.
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 14:01
  • thanks for your help, really helpful and eye-opening, but for this specific problem, I think I should keep it simple, and do with builtin key, since vim is already efficient enough, at least for my own need.
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 14:04
  • Try adding ` -N` to the command, which will activate nocompatible mode
    – grodzik
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 14:05
  • my bad, the compatible mode!! thanks, works as stated, nice job! P.S,, for the use case, I might still stay away from that, since IMO open Command Window as the default is too intrusive.
    – qeatzy
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 14:11

Here's a very short mapping that will achieve roughly what you're asking, by using the command-line window and select mode:

nnoremap : :<Up><C-F>gH

It recalls the previous command with <Up>, opens the command-line window with <C-F> and then enters linewise select mode with gH.

If you then press Enter then the command is run, but if you type anything else, the current selection will be replaced.

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