I have vim-devicons installed (using vim-plug, and it is before vim-airline). But I don't see correct language glyphs.

incorrect language glyphs

  • Could you tell us what is Vim encoding (:set encoding?)? Commented Sep 4 at 15:34
  • Do you have nerd-fonts installed? What is the font Vim use (set guifont?)? What is the font of your running on your terminal if you use a terminal version of Vim? Commented Sep 4 at 15:37
  • Maybe the How can I setup a nerdfont in lua answer could be of some help? Commented Sep 4 at 15:43
  • I have set encoding=utf-8 and set fileencoding=utf-8. Commented Sep 5 at 2:25
  • 1
    Oh, I didn't have nerd-fonts installed. Installing it fixed everything. Thanks a lot. Commented Sep 5 at 2:35

1 Answer 1


In order for vim-devicons to work smooth you need:

  1. Make sure encoding is set to utf-8 (:set encoding=utf-8)

  2. Install a nerd-font

  3. Make sure Vim uses that nerd font by either:

    a. Setting guifont to the name of the nerd-font (e.g.: set guifont=JetBrainMono\ NFM:h9:cAINSI) if you are using gVim. More on that with the following answer: How can I setup a nerd font

    b. Make sure your terminal program is using that nerd font.

  4. Install vim-devicons

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