I'm trying to set up patched fonts from powerline/fonts with airline in gvim under Windows 10 64 bit. As you can see from the screenshot here:
the characters from the font do show up, but the airline itself doesn't seem to output the special characters. I'm using the set guifont=ProFont\ for\ Powerline:h12
directive in my ~/_vimrc
. Also, it is strange that although I installed vim-airline through Vundle (with Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
, then :PluginInstall
), the airline commands are apparently not recognized, for example :AirlineExtensions
gives the error message shown in the screenshot.
Airline also doesn't work in plain vim on my setup with ProFont for Powerline set through the terminal Font settings. How do I set airline correctly in both vim and gvim?
Edit: Here's my _vimrc
Edit 2: Apparently :scriptnames
shows that vim-airline isn't actually sourced, and vim-airline-themes is, even though both are installed under ~/vimfiles/bundle/
(vim-airline is in ~/vimfiles/bundle/vim-airline/
and vim-airline-themes is in ~/vimfiles/bundle/vim-airline-themes/
)? Also, :echo exists("loaded_airline_themes")
gives 1, but :echo exists("loaded_airline")
gives 0.
Edit 3: I apparently also had a leftover lightline in global vim plugin directory, which was giving the output in the screenshot. I removed it, but now the airline still doesn't show, and this is the output of :scriptnames
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
which makes everything else redundant at best. Not saying that'll fix everything but you ought to start from a clean place._vimrc
and then tried different settings. Regardless, airline should output the symbols like this as well, no? I'll add my_vimrc
in the original post.g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
means airline will automatically populate theg:airline_symbols
dictionary so by specifying it yourself you're wasting time at best and overwriting the dictionary at worst. (FYI I use airline + powerline fonts and the only airline config I have in my vimrc is that one assignment.)