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Questions tagged [location-list]

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How to determine the last modification time of the quickfix list?

I'm using: The quickfix list window (to go through vimgrep result) The location list window (to go through the error CocDiagnostics output) The CtrlSF buffer (to go through the result of the :CtrlSF ...
Vivian De Smedt's user avatar
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Fundamental difference between location list and quickfix list

I know about the practical differences (e.g., one Vim session can have only one quickfix window but multiple location list windows, etc.), but what are the essential differences? When should I prefer ...
3N4N's user avatar
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How to "keep" Lexplore/Rexplore/Explore "memory" when toggling it?

Is there a way to keep Explore state? for example, If I open vim at ~/project, open :Lexplore, and navigate in the explore window to ~/project/a/b/c/1.txt. next time I open :Lex i would want to see ...
gcb's user avatar
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How to create qf or location list from results of shell command

I often open the results of an external project-wide find | xargs grep command into a new tab like this :tabnew|read !find . -iname \*.py | xargs grep -n 'pattern' I then use gf to open the matching ...
textral's user avatar
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Get number of warnings and errors from the current location list in vimscript

I am using ALE as LSP client, and I would like to write a function to get the number of errors and warnings from the current location list. I think that a possible solution would be to write a ...
Barzi2001's user avatar
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How to get command-line mode typing to interact with incsearch

When I type the pattern part of a global command (like so: :global/xxx), the windows in front of me get highlighted as if I was typing directly into a / or ? style search command. I'm writing a small ...
Ari Sweedler's user avatar
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TypeScript: is it possible to see errors not in one line?

Now I have this: Sometimes errors are big, and in order to see them clearly - I run tsc to see this: Also, is it possible to see a type name, but not a fields enumeration? I use ALE and tsuquyomi.
Vitaly Zdanevich's user avatar
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How to remove a line from the location list?

I have a location list populated with around 50 lines, and I would like to remove some of these. Is there a way? Specifically, I searched for references of a Java method and the LSP (using coc-java) ...
Thiago Chaves's user avatar
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Map a key with a condition

LanguageToolCheck and LanguageToolClean are 2 commands used in vim-languageTool plugin. LanguageToolCheck command check and list out spelling errors of your text. And LanguageToolClear will clean the ...
SLN's user avatar
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Add flake8 ignore comment automatically from syntastic location list

I'm using synatastic with flake8 in neovim for python development. I want to name variables in upper case occasionally but I don't want to turn the warning off completely. However I get bored of ...
Epimetheus's user avatar
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How can I have lnext/lprev fallback to cnext/cprev when appropriate?

It is often the case that I am in projects with varying filetypes. Sometimes I'm compiling using :make<CR> and sometimes I'm using plugins like ALE. At any given time, I probably only have one ...
Will Bradley's user avatar
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Add conceal in function

Trying to maintain add conceals to the generated location list, but I can not figure it out. The current workaround is to add it manually everytime through the vim commandline, like: : set ...
jolanda's user avatar
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how to check whether the location list for the current window is open

Using getwininfo it is possible to determine whether an window is a quickfix window or location list window. But once a location list window is found, how can I know which window it is associated ...
doraemon's user avatar
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How to differentiate quickfix window buffers and location list buffers?

Recently I've been playing with my statusline and I'm coming to a point where I want to set a different highlighting group for the statusline of my quickfix window, location list window, and the other ...
statox's user avatar
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How do I wrap the location-list by default (without turning on wrap for files)?

I think this should be a quick answer, but I can't figure it out from :help location-list and my Google searches seem to highlight that I may not know the correct terms to look for. For the sake of ...
Jon Bristow's user avatar