I have created a mwe plugin to show my problem for fortran ft.

tree ftrial
├── autoload
│   └── makes.vim
└── ftplugin
    └── fortran_mk.vim


cat ftrial/autoload/makes.vim
" Variables {{{1
let s:Compiler = get(g:, "fortran_compiler", "gfortran")
let s:ObjExt    =   '.o'
let s:ModExt    =   '.mod'
let s:ExeExt    =   ''
let s:VimComp   =   'gfortran'
let s:FCFlags   =  get(g:, "fortran_fcflags",   '-Wall  -O0 -c')
let s:FLFlags   =   get(g:, "fortran_flflags",  '-Wall -O0')
let s:OutputGvim=   'vim'

" Compile current buffer {{{1
function! makes#Fcompile()

  let sou = expand("%:p")
  let obj = expand("%:p:r").s:ObjExt
  let s:fortran_comp_success = 0
  setlocal efm=%E%f:%l.%c:,%E%f:%l:,%C,%C%p%*[0123456789^],%ZError:\ %m,%C%.%#

  " Don't process any further if the compilation is up to date
  if filereadable(obj) && (getftime(obj)>getftime(sou))
    let &statusline = "'" . obj . "':is up to date"
    let s:fortran_comp_success=1

  let makeprg_saved = '"' . &makeprg . '"'
  execute "setlocal makeprg=" . s:Compiler
  let v:statusmsg = ''
  execute "make " . s:FCFlags . " " . sou . " -o " . obj

  " Don't process any further if the compilation was sucessful
  if empty(v:statusmsg)
    let &statusline = "'" . obj . "':Compiled successfully"
    let s:fortran_comp_success=1

  if v:shell_error !=0
    let &statusline = v:shell_error
  botright copen

and cat ftrial/ftplugin/fortran_mk.vim :

let s:Compiler = get(g:, "fortran_compiler", "gfortran")
let s:ObjExt    =   '.o'
let s:ModExt    =   '.mod'
let s:ExeExt    =   ''
let s:VimComp   =   'gfortran'
let s:FCFlags   =   '-Wall -g -O0 -c'
let s:FLFlags   =   '-Wall -g -O0'
let s:OutputGvim=   'vim'

function! Compile()
  :call makes#Fcompile()

with compiling with makeprg and efm set, I am expecting the error should be nicely formatted, but that is not hapenning. Rather I am getting the error as shown in the screenshots

What I am doing wrong here?

A sample hello.f90 with error is:

program hello
   implicit none
   write (*, *) "Hello"+i
   write(*,*) q
end program


This is what I am getting with :call Compile() with calling "call Compile()"

After I press Enter key after I got the last screen, this is what I get: After press Enter in first screen


I have tried to solve this with gvim --clean, dismiss effect of any other plugin, and it shows a new empty buffer. Kindly have a look at this screencast.

  • errorformat looks ok for me. You have another issue with other plugins
    – Maxim Kim
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 11:52
  • yes, I realised it. Now the problem is with efm, I am getting 2 extra buffer, and quickfix is at the 3rd buffer. I have checked that script no 28 is minifufexpl. with gvim --clean, this is I am not getting any quickfix at all.
    – BaRud
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 13:39

1 Answer 1


Try to change your errorformat to

setlocal efm=%E%f:%l:%c:,%E%f:%l:,%C,%C%p%*[0123456789^],%ZError:\ %m,%C%.%#

the difference is in separator between LINE and COLUMN. You have %l.%c, but looks like it should be %l:%c

  1. there are some problems with autocommands we cannot see from your example (but vim error clearly states it)

  2. if you do only set efm=..., set makeprg=..., :make you should have errors correctly put into quickfix window.

If you want to suppress output of :make command, use

:silent make

or install vim-dispatch plugin that can do make in background without noise.

  • I have added a screencast with gvim --clear. Hope that will clear what is going on.
    – BaRud
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 13:50
  • I am not sure I get it. I can see everything is OK in your screencast -- it is expected behaviour
    – Maxim Kim
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 14:13
  • you see that, at the end, there is no fortran code in the main buffer....its a new buffer and quickfix is at the bottom of an empty buffer
    – BaRud
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 14:15
  • as discussed in irc, efm doesn't parse out line number and it is "attached" to a filename, thus after make you jump to a first error and it is nonexistent filename for which a new buffer is created.
    – Maxim Kim
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 14:32
  • @D.BenKnoble: may I request you to stop judging? Also, may I expect some concrete answere from you in future, rather than comments?
    – BaRud
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 15:30

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