Consider you are editing the left table in Vim. Your cursor (■) is at Line 14, Column 12.

Where you are now          Move the cursor

11 +-------+-----+         11 +-------+-----+
12 | Name  | Age |         12 | Name  | Age |
13 +=======+=====+         13 +=======+=====+
14 | Alice | 5■  |   -->   14 | Alice | 5   |
15 +-------+-----+         15 +-------+-----+
   ...                        ...
95 +-------+-----+         95 +-------+-----+
96 | Zoe   |     |         96 | Zoe   |  ■  |
97 +-------+-----+         97 +-------+-----+

What's the easy way to move your cursor at Line 96, Column 12, i.e., jump to this specific line without moving horizontally?

2 Answers 2


Turn off :h 'startofline' :

set nostartofline

And execute one of the following command:


It will place cursor at target line without moving horizontally if target line is longer enough.

Commands starts with : are ex command, check this question if you are confused about / and :/ .

  • 1
    Confirmed. I already like this behavior so much that I have added set nostartofline to my .vimrc to enable this by default, globally.
    – Culip
    Commented Dec 6, 2019 at 11:26

Assuming the 96th line actually has column no. 12 (or set virtualedit=all), you can do 96zz (or 96zt, or 96zb).

See :h scroll-cursor for more information.

  • zz, zt and zb work but they also scroll the window which is confusing.. Any way not to scroll/redraw the window?
    – Culip
    Commented Dec 5, 2019 at 19:36
  • @Culip Is 84j okay?
    – Matt
    Commented Dec 5, 2019 at 19:40
  • In this case I have to use relative line numbers or do the math (line 96 - 14). Um..
    – Culip
    Commented Dec 5, 2019 at 19:43

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