Consider you are editing the left table in Vim. Your cursor (■) is at Line 14, Column 12.
Where you are now Move the cursor
11 +-------+-----+ 11 +-------+-----+
12 | Name | Age | 12 | Name | Age |
13 +=======+=====+ 13 +=======+=====+
14 | Alice | 5■ | --> 14 | Alice | 5 |
15 +-------+-----+ 15 +-------+-----+
... ...
95 +-------+-----+ 95 +-------+-----+
96 | Zoe | | 96 | Zoe | ■ |
97 +-------+-----+ 97 +-------+-----+
What's the easy way to move your cursor at Line 96, Column 12, i.e., jump to this specific line without moving horizontally?