I like the ability to show trailing whitespaces, so I have this setting.
set list listchars=tab:\ \ ,trail:·
I never use tabs (although I don't think tabs are bad, it's just a convention), but sometimes I'm reading someone else code and they use tabs. I don't want to see tabs as some special characters in that cases.
But with the settings above vim would show tabs with different background colour. I don't want this. Can it just show trailing whitespaces and leave everything else alone?
isn't supposed to change background. You can for sure try to droptab:\ \
part, but I wouldn't expect it to change anything (that's the default). Highlighting of tabulation might come from a different source. You can run:for id in synstack(line('.'), col('.')) | echo synIDattr(id, 'name') | endfor
with cursor on a tab to see if there is any extra highlight group defined.