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5 votes

Vim does not call functions correctly when wrapped in another function

Vim doesn't like updating Screen too often. function PlaceEcho() call PlaceSign() redraw "^^^^^ call EchoChar() endfunction
Matt's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it safe to define more than 120 signs?

I'm going to guess that the documentation is outdated with respect to that limit. I'm looking at the code for alloc_new_sign()... // Check that next_sign_typenr is not already being used. // ...
B Layer's user avatar
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3 votes

change fold sign character

Its possible now using 'fillchars' (from the help): item default Used for ... foldopen:c '-' mark the beginning of a fold foldclose:c '+' show ...
sudormrfbin's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a way to quickly jump to signs?

Use SignJump. For whatever reason, Vim offers no way to quickly jump to tags outside of the horrendously unfriendly :sign jump command. Once installed, simply use ]s and [s to jump to the next and ...
ZeroKnight's user avatar
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3 votes

How to show the sign column to the right side of the line number column?

As stated by Christian in his comment, this is unfortunately impossible. However, from patch 8.1.1564, there's an option that could solve this problem. We can merge the signcolumn and the line numbers....
Biggybi's user avatar
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3 votes

Which highlight-group should I use for :sign define x linehl?

Highlight groups are an abstraction over the colors and styles that are available in the terminal or GUI. Vim has default groups built-in (and these are referenced by the syntax plugins), and a ...
Ingo Karkat's user avatar
2 votes

Can I force python-mode's (or syntastic's) error flags over the line number columns?

You can achieve this by adding set signcolumn=number to your .vimrc. Showing signs in the number column was added in v8.1.1564.
James Constable's user avatar
2 votes

Change color of signs in SignColumn/Gutter

Note: Written before OP added the relatively important detail that the signs are generated by Syntastic. Ergo, a general tossing of things against the wall to see what sticks rather than a quick ...
B Layer's user avatar
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2 votes

How to display a sign before the line number gutter?

I think you are looking for :h :sign: Here is an example that places a sign "piet", displayed with the text ">>", in line 23 of the current file: > :sign define piet text=>> ...
statox's user avatar
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2 votes

VimScript - Save specific positions consistently even after buffer changes

What about the new text-properties? They seem to have the property (sic) to follow. Text properties can be attached to text in a buffer. They will move with the text: If lines are deleted or ...
Luc Hermitte's user avatar
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1 vote

What is sign_getplaced? And how I use it?

:help getwininfo() returns informations about the given window or about all windows while :help sign_getplaced() returns a list of signs placed in the given buffer or in all buffers. So, assuming you ...
romainl's user avatar
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1 vote

GitGutter sign not working

As @Christian Brabandt says, vim-gitgutter only shows signs for files which are tracked by git. That's why it has "git" in the name. If you have files in a git repo, and the files have ...
Andy Stewart's user avatar
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1 vote

change fold sign character

(Moved to a separate answer for visibility) According to @Christian Brabandt the characters used for this purpose are hardcoded.
Myc3lium's user avatar
1 vote

Change color of signs in SignColumn/Gutter

From the docs (:help syntastic-error-signs): Signs are colored using the Error and Todo syntax highlight groups by default (see |group-name|). If you wish to customize the colors for the signs, you ...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
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