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4 votes

Mouse not working inside Alacritty

There are several ways Vim can recognize mouse events in the Terminal, this is why the --version has a whole bunch of flags starting with mouse: mouse_dec, mouse_xterm, mouse_urxvt, etc. There are all ...
Martin Tournoij's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to make neovim use single color for underline?

This answer will only be useful for those who also have this environment setup: You use Alacritty as terminal simulator. (since it support coloring of underlines.) Running neovim inside a tmux ...
NeoZoom.lua's user avatar
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2 votes

Mouse not working inside Alacritty

You can add to your Alacritty configuration file (default: ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml): env: TERM: xterm-256color
Dmitry Ershov's user avatar
2 votes

Vim does not react to Ctrl key combinations on alacritty

The feature that makes key combinations such as the ones you mentioned is called modifyOtherKeys and it's provided by some terminals like xterm. It lets Vim distinguish various keys, like <C-i> ...
filbranden's user avatar
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1 vote

Mapping a "Command" key in Neovim / alacritty

What I ended up doing was going to Neovim opening a new file and going into insert mode. Then typing the key combo I was hoping to bind. In this case Command + Shift + {. When I did this I was able to ...
Dan Rasmuson's user avatar
1 vote

How to map <BS> to do nothing?

Since I have solved this myself with the help of comments by @Chris Heithoff I'm going to answer it myself. As comment stated: when some mapping should work but it didn't, thne the reason is probably ...

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