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Doing an action when pressing a key. These are also called key mappings or mappings. For questions about default key bindings, as well as creating or redefining key bindings.

1 vote

How to map Ctrl-(?

Try inoremap <C-9> ()<Left>. It seems that Vim does not recognize the ( in insert mapping.
jdhao's user avatar
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-1 votes

How can I discourage myself from using ':q', ':wq', etc. to quit vim?

I am currently using mapping to quit vim or neovim. The mapping I use is: " Saves the file if modified and quit nnoremap <silent> <leader>q :x<CR> " Quit all opened buffers nnoremap <silent> <leader> …
jdhao's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

pressing keys in visual line mode will leave this mode?

I find that in visual line mode, if I press a shortcut to print the current mode, it will print n instead of V. Is this the expected behavior? My mapping: xnoremap <a-j> :<c-u>echo mode()<CR> Then se …
jdhao's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

why does vim insert a range when we press a number before pressing colon to go to command li...

I was trying to make a mapping to run a command that takes a count, something like the following: nnoremap gb :execute('buffer ' . v:count)<CR> When I run the mapping, I see the following error: E48 …
jdhao's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Easy way to get character before cursor character in insert mode?

I am trying to write a function for insert mode mapping in which I want to get the character before the cursor character. For texts that are purely ASCII, this is easy, since its byte index is the cha …
jdhao's user avatar
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0 votes

Easy way to get character before cursor character in insert mode?

This is my implementation. First, we find the character index for cursor char, and we can know the character index of pre-cursor char. Then we can use strcharpart() to get that character. function! Ge …
jdhao's user avatar
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0 votes

Move rest of line inside a closed pair?

Maybe you can define another mapping for <M-e> mapping in insert mode. imap <M-e> shows that it is mappped to <C-R>=AutoPairsFastWrap()<CR>. So you can define another key map for that, for example: …
jdhao's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

mapping does not work even if I have set it up in config file

I am using Neovim on Windows using Cmder console emulator. I find that using [NUM]<Ctrl-6> to change to buffer [NUM] does not work on Windows. Following discussions here. I have set up a mapping: nno …
jdhao's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I easily move a line?

The other answers using :move haven't considered the edge case where you are on the first line or last line of the buffer and press the shortcut, you will see error messages saying the address is inva …
jdhao's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How to change word under cursor to upper case in command mode with shortcut?

I want to set up a shortcut to make word under the cursor upper case in the command mode. I know that you can get the word under the cursor with expand("<cword>"). But I am not sure how do I translat …
jdhao's user avatar
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1 vote

Other ways to exit Insert mode besides Escape

To overcome the lagging caused by naive mapping inoremap jk <ESC>. I have written a plugin called better-escape.vim. Here is how to use it: let g:better_escape_shortcut = 'jk' let g:better_escape_inte …
jdhao's user avatar
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0 votes

Prevent the cursor from moving to the start of the yanked text?

I have come up with a simpler solution using autocmd event TextYankPost, it works fine for me: nnoremap y myy augroup restore_after_yank autocmd! autocmd TextYankPost * silent! normal `y augroup …
jdhao's user avatar
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