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Questions tagged [plugin-auto-pairs]

Auto pair is a plugin inserting automatically the matching bracket (`)`, `]`, `}`)

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Why is coc-nvim adding an extra line?

I have the following mapping in .vimrc: inoremap <silent><expr> <cr> coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#confirm() : "\<C-g>u\<CR>\<c-r>=coc#on_enter()\<CR>"...
Aaron Parisi's user avatar
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Repeat bracket insertion of auto_pairs_gentle with dot commmand

I have auto_pairs_gentle plugin installed and vim-repeat but the bracket insertion automatically generated by auto_pairs_gentle are not repeated by the dot command. e.g.: Suppose I insert f(x) by ...
Vivian De Smedt's user avatar
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Problem remapping § to esc in vim on a macbook with touch-bar

I am using a macbook with touchbar. As many others I would like to map a different key to the esc key, since the touchbar esc is a bit inconvenient. My problem is that I have some weird behaviour of ...
Mr.Sh4nnon's user avatar
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Vim - QuickTex is incompatible with Auto-Pairs or Auto-Close

I'm looking to set up Vim for Latex editing and I came across this very simple and useful plugin, QuickTex. However, I doesn't seem to be compatible with vim-autoclose nor with auto-pairs (which are ...
fresh's user avatar
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2 answers

Move rest of line inside a closed pair?

This is what I'm trying to achieve: input (|)foo then pressing some key combination to get output (foo)| or (foo|) I know this can be done with the autopairs plugin. In the docs they write ...
idankor's user avatar
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Easiest way to go to the closest closing bracket?

When I'm choosing an option from the autocomplete suggestions, it automatically puts my cursor in the following location: function(|) Then I type the value that I want, and in order to get out of ...
idankor's user avatar
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Is it good to use Auto-pairs plugin in Vim? [closed]

I am learning Vim, and I find it useful the auto-pairs plugin generates closed paranthesis automatically. It has some issues where I want to type a closed paranthesis but it jumps to the next closed ...
John Bonda's user avatar
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How do I enable the auto-pairs plugin in vim?

auto-pairs seems like a great feature for vim. As per instructions, I copied the auto-pairs.vim file to ~/.vim/plugin/ and sourced the .vim file by executing :source % in the auto-pairs.vim file ...
nac001's user avatar
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Autopairs shortcut not working

Vim 8 user here. I also use auto pairs and one of the features, called fast wrap or something like that makes use of the metae shortcut. However, if I type alte inside vim nothing happens except that ...
Karl's user avatar
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