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How to set cursor position with tags file?

I am generating a tags file for m4 language. It works great, for example: m4_symbol k/applyforeachq.m4 /\m^m4_define\w*(\_s*«\?\zsm4_symbol\>/; m4_symbol2 k/foreach.m4 /\m^...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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What is CTRL-W Tab doing?

By pure coincidence, I hit CTRL+w and then Tab while editing a C++ file, and what happened is that the window was horizontally split and the new window loaded the buffer where the word under the ...
Enlico's user avatar
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2 votes
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PHP class name collision with ctags

I have the following php file: namespace App\Validator; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint; // #1 class MyValidator // ... { public function validate(Constraint /* #2 */ $constraint): ...
Nicolas Appriou's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between `tag` and `tags` command?

I've recently come across the concept of tags in vim. I run ctags on a file and it generates tags for that file. When I try to access those tags I use the tag command which basically provides a list ...
nikinbaidar's user avatar
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Taglist isn't reading custom Markdown tags

The plugin Taglist is showing tags perfectly for my python but not for my markdown files. There is a MCVE on github. I have two files. is: def one(): print("one") def two(): ...
Joe's user avatar
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1 answer

Vim :tag can jump to the tag but using short key ctrl+] gives cstag: tag not found

I have generated tags using ctags -R . In Vim I'm able to find the tag when I type :tag TagName and it does jump to it. However, if I have a cursor over the TagName and do Ctrl+] vim shows cstag: tag ...
JZ67's user avatar
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2 answers

<C-x><C-o> "Pattern not found" even with a Ctags file (C/C++)

<C-x><C-o> returns Pattern not found in C/C++ files even with a ctags file. It used to work and I haven't made any configuration/plugin changes that I know of Starting vim with vim -u ...
hopibel's user avatar
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Jump to definition (CTRL-]) slow on windows

I have a big source code base on both Mac and Windows on which I work on this with MacVim/NeoVim. When using CTRL-] to search tag through a 1.6G tags file, I got immediate result with MacVim while ...
Yukun Du's user avatar
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"tnext" command skips to next file

I'm using vim's built in helptags command to create a tags file in LaTeX. While LaTeX files are not the txt files normally used, helptags seems to work just fine, and generates an empty "tags" file ...
The Pompitous of Love's user avatar
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How to jump to or list a tag exclusively defined in a header?

I have a .h and a .cpp with declarations and definitions, and I'd like to be able to :tselect only the declarations, in order to see all the functions I've got that match a pattern. some_file.h: ...
TankorSmash's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

quickfix Menu Usage With :tselect and :vimgrep

I am currently using the following mapping to search for knows tags: nnoremap <expr> <Leader>t "<ESC>:tselect /" . input("") . "<ESC>" I also use this mapping to grep all ...
ThoseKind's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to have gutentags build tags from the .git folder in a repository?

I want to have my tags file generated from gutentags/ctags to be in the .git folder, because I am working on a project with other people where I don't want to edit the .gitignore file. So, I have ...
Davis Owen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

vim can't process tags

I generated tags files and I'm using the following command in my .vimrc: :set tags=./tags; When I press Ctrl] I get the following error: E433: No tags file E426: tag not found: poll_wait I'm not ...
stdcall's user avatar
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Tag not found unless searched for

I have a very weird situation with my tags file not working as expected. My tag file is sorted case-insensitively (starts with !_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t2\t/foldcase/), and ignorecase is set. When I put my ...
LambdaBeta's user avatar
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1 answer

why ctags take me to class definition rather than actual file

Background I'm using vi with a php/laravel code base.. I ran ctags and see what happens: filename: app/Http/Controllers/RetailerApproveController.php use App\Repositories\ApproveOrderRepo; ... ...
abbood's user avatar
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Alternatives to ctags: are rtags, uctags or other alternatives better?

The problem: I've used ctags with C++ code for a while, but that has no knowledge of the code. If there are many subclasses that overwrite a certain virtual function, then on a Ctrl-] I may end up in ...
Neaţu Ovidiu Gabriel's user avatar
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How to search through tag results from :ts?

If pressing CTRL-] matches multiple tags in Vim, it'll say "tag 1 of x or more". Typing :ts now shows you the list of x tags and allows you to choose which tag you want to jump to. When I am in this ...
Andy Law's user avatar
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CTags Jumping to Different Project

I'm using CTags and the vim-easytags plugin. I have a Python project and a C project. In the root of the Python project, I did ctags -R . And all was good. I could jump back and forth with tags ...
testname123's user avatar
3 votes
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How to select the tag to open when several tags have the same name?

One can open a file at tag with: vim -t <TAG> However, if there are two tags with the same name, e.g. two variables of the same name in two different files, then the first one is opened. How ...
Itzie's user avatar
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Why my easytags plugin not generating tags automatically?

I have xolox/vim-easytags and xolox/vim-misc installed. I have following configuration in vimrc: let g:easytags_dynamic_files = 1 let g:easytags_on_cursorhold = 1 let g:easytags_updatetime_min = 4000 ...
Aaron Shen's user avatar
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Why do I get the "tag stack empty" error when using :ptag and other commands?

I have setup a tags files in my project directory by running ctags -R ., so then when I put the cursor on a word that is a tag and use the command ], vim "jumps" to that tag. Or more correctly, vim ...
the_velour_fog's user avatar
9 votes
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Jumping from function definition tag to prototype tag

As far as I understand Vim has a built-in support for tags (ctags in this case) Now I have a common C source and C header file. The header file has void foo(void); and the source file has void foo(...
hgiesel's user avatar
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Getting tags to show in tagbar for JS file

I've been trying in vain the past few days to get Vim to recognize tags in my JS file. My problem is very similar to this other question: How to view javascript tags in vim using tagbar + jsctags + ...
Grant A's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Vim, ctags and overloading

Is there a way to make vim jump to the right matching definition automatically in case of multiple definitions. Our C++ code heavily uses function overloading and vim's handling of ctags does not ...
mesibo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Search for tags with prefixes in other language files

I'm using Exuberant Ctags to generate a tags file to use with Vim. However, in our project, we have javascript that makes remote procedure calls to the server (PHP). Functions like getUsers are thus ...
Erik S's user avatar
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Adding ctags for a 3rd party library

I would like to know how to generate ctags and find them with auto-complete plugins for new libraries that I install in order to 1) auto-complete for 3rd party library namespaces, classes, etc. and 2) ...
Sterling's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to get tag navigation that works with RequireJS?

Are there any features/plugins/external tools which can be used to get tag navigation that understands RequireJS imports?
Jordan Eldredge's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why can't Vim see the tags file, despite being in the same directory?

I'm in folder E:\dir\, :pwd shows E:\dir. :e tags opens the tags file I generated with ctags -R. I've got tags set to what seems reasonable: set tags? shows set tags=./tags,tags;E:\. ...
TankorSmash's user avatar
2 votes
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Vim, lua and ctags

I work a bit on a lua project (not small, but most of the code is not my own), and I'd like to get tags working. Current ctags contains bug, which can be fixed by getting the latest code from svn ...
PhilippFrank's user avatar
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1 answer

Navigation with Tagbar

I'm using Tagbar (with C++) and I would like to understand if and how it is possible to navigate the code as follow: Find all references of a variable or methods (where the variable or method is used/...
Kill KRT's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to set up tags for Ruby, SASS, Slim and Coffescript?

I am developing main in Rails using SASS, Slim and Coffeescript. I have Exuberant Ctags installed and using tpope's setup It kind of works so at least I can move around my ruby code. But I would ...
firedev's user avatar
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