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Questions tagged [control-character]

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Perplexing character: ^V in a terminal used by Neovim

Just found out or seen that a file opened is displaying: ^V in a terminal utilized by Neovim editor and it really is a single character! Proven by its distinct colorizing So wondering how can one ...
user17227456's user avatar
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Setting an option to a string containing control characters

I'm trying to configure Vim to be able to properly determine the background color when run inside GNU Screen. I know I need to set the option t_RB to the string \eP\e]11;?\x03\e\\ (where \e is the ...
jwodder's user avatar
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Do not red underline unicode control points as misspelled words

Vim highlights Unicode control points as misspelled words. So correctly spelled words with Unicode strikethrough (overline, ...) always appear misspelled. Ideally this would be corrected as a setting ...
kevinlawler's user avatar
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How can I have <C-E> and <C-Y>'s normal mode functionalities also work in insert mode?

Once I've asked a general question about special characters, but I've not really pulled anything out of it. So now I'm asking a very specific question. I want to have Ctrl+e and Ctrl+y behave in ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Remove/hide control characters in the vim-fireplace preview window

When the vim-fireplace plugin prints an error stack into the preview window, it includes a bunch of control characters. Example: I tried set nolist but it had no effect. Does anyone know how to get ...
apostl3pol's user avatar
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Special characters, escaped special characters, escape sequences, and terminal codes

I refer to those 4 terms using terminology picked up by various sources: Steve Losh, in his Learn Vimscript the Hard Way's chapter 16 refers to things like <cr> (these 4 characters typed in a ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Inserting the content of a register where a macro is recorded results in control characters becoming unicode characters

If I hit Ctrl+V and then Escape while in insert or ex mode, I get ^[ as a single character. If I hit qqEscapeq and then go see :registers, I see that q contains ^[<80><fd>a, which are ...
Enlico's user avatar
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in vimscript how to write the code a CTRL-C to be executed

I run a sourced vimscript like this: exec 'g#' . WE_var_searchmode . ' ' . WE_var_pattertosearch . '#exec " A | B | C | make_CTRL-C | ... | LAST " ' The outer execute '...' is needed to ...
Anton Wessel's user avatar
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NeoVim : Can we "insert literally" every ASCII symbol with `<c-v>` ? (including delete `^?` )

In insert or command mode, the printable ASCII chars, like a can be insert with just a (we don't need <c-v> for those ones, but most of them will still work with <c-v>letter ). If I type, ...
ewen-goisot's user avatar
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behavior of control characters has changed in ubuntu 20.04

Before upgrading to ubuntu 20.04, the line g/;/s//CTRL V CTRL M/ would replace the ; with a new line. Now, in ubuntu 20.04 this string translates to :g/;/s//^[[27;5;109~ which obviously doesn't have ...
Leo Simon's user avatar
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Why isn't carriage return shown as ^M in my vim?

As far as I know the carriage return \r in Windows will be displayed in vim as ^M. I have set set ff=unix in .vimrc. The sample file. xxd /tmp/test 00000000: 6d79 2074 6573 740d 0a ...
showkey's user avatar
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syn-keyword with control characters?

(I know the goals are dumb, and I know I could set ffs=unix,dos to not see ^M; I'm just trying to understand more about vim). I was playing around with vim keywords, because I want to conceal certain ...
jeremysprofile's user avatar
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prevent printing control-character in insert mode and command line

When in insert mode, if no mapping is associated to a sequence, Vim will print the character corresponding to the signal. For example, typing <c-b> will input ^b as a character. It is more ...
Biggybi's user avatar
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Vim: How to write control characters in file

How do I write control characters in a file using Vim? For example, I want to write the backspace character, which is invoked using ^? (or the dedicated Backspace) key on the keyboard, to a file. But ...
Lavya's user avatar
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What is the difference between <C-V>x and \x?

Run the following commands, where <80> is a literal byte entered by typing Ctrl-Vx80: let literal = "<80>" let quoted = "\x80" echo(literal) and echo(quoted) will now both output <80&...
Rich's user avatar
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Is ESC involved in any key combinations?

Just starting to get into Vim and facing the classic escape problem. I'm thinking binding CapsLock to be control when used with another key, and escape when released without pressing anything else ...
Mason's user avatar
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What control character is ^\ in the buffer in a file open in vim?

I found a whole bunch of green ^\ characters in the file I have open in vim... Any idea what control character they are? And how would I search for them in grep?
leeand00's user avatar
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