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Questions tagged [spell-checking]

A feature that identifies and highlights misspelled words, and lets you choose among possible correct replacements.

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Questions about spelling

I'm playing around with spelling in vim. I've discovered that adding i/=! in add spell file marks lowercase 'i' as misspelling though not apparently documented. Also that the following placed in order ...
Tom's user avatar
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How do I turn off spell checking?

Upon learning :set spell spelllang=en_us I now wish to learn how to turn spell off. Paging through all of :help spell proved fruitless. How do I turn off spell checking?
BernardIE5317's user avatar
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Spellcheck dictionary entries from custom (fake) regions

In my ~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add file, I've been adding fake language regions (like en_0l) to account for my various interests without muddying them across spaces. Atop this file, I have a line like /...
Adam Katz's user avatar
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Neovim: override Treesitter spelling settings

I'm coding in Neovim in a programming language that gets highlighting from Treesitter. This means the regions that are spellchecked are also controlled by Treesitter. I want to have more than just ...
tma_1's user avatar
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How do I make Vim do spell-check only in words that beings with [a-zA-Z] and continues on with [a-z]?

Suppose I am writing in a markdown file, and I am using odd naming conventions like 'thisFileNameIsGood'. Spell checker will also mark it as wrong along with the names that the spell checker doesn't ...
souraj ghosh's user avatar
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How to use syntax rules to disable spell checking certain regions?

Vim has a built in capability to spell check files (see :help spell). This spell checking is syntax aware (see :help syn-spell). Unfortunately, I have no experience writing syntax rules for ...
Kokoro's user avatar
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Exclude Greek unicode words from spell check

I would like vim spell to ignore words with Greek characters. Based on this question, I thought it might work to write :set spelllang+=cjk, but that did nothing. Apparently that only works for East ...
Alex Roberts's user avatar
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Toggling the `spell` option with Lua does not redraw the screen until an additional command is entered

While porting my init.vim to init.lua, I noticed some strange behaviour. In vimscript, one can toggle spell in the following way: noremap <Leader>ss :setlocal spell!<CR> Observe that this ...
Phro's user avatar
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Do not red underline unicode control points as misspelled words

Vim highlights Unicode control points as misspelled words. So correctly spelled words with Unicode strikethrough (overline, ...) always appear misspelled. Ideally this would be corrected as a setting ...
kevinlawler's user avatar
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Toggle spellcheck globally

It is possible to set nospell in .vimrc to disable it globally. But it doesn't override filetype plugins. Is it possible to toggle between spell and nospell globally so that I can at least disable it ...
Mert Nuhoglu's user avatar
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Highlight all words that appear in particular spellfiles, differently

I have a document with several custom words. To spell check these, I have sorted words into multiple word lists written in the "straight word list" format (detailed at spell-wordlist-format ...
prolyx's user avatar
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How are the french spl files produced? Can they be updated?

Is there any information on how the french spl files are produced? I notice there is a sug file that downloads via netrw but this does not seem to be available at:
Boyd's user avatar
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How to disable spell check for certain file types

How can I disable spell check for files likes yaml, json?
Renato Prado's user avatar
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How to disable spell check for a single line (with a custom tag)

Sometimes I do not want to add words to a spellfile, but still ignore them this once. This is particularly prevalent when I write markdown. It would be nice if I could tag a line with <!-- nospell -...
Patrick's user avatar
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Avoid "cannot find spell file" window

I have set spelllang=en_us,ru_ru in my .vimrc, and when I enable spell check by typing :set spell, Vim shows me a pop-up window that says that the dictionary for the second language is not installed. ...
john c. j.'s user avatar
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Generate new spell file from .aff & .dic

Im trying to generate a new spell lang file for Romanian, but using format before 1993 when new orthographic rules was implemented. To summarize before 1993 we wrote for eg: cînd and now we write ...
Mafsi's user avatar
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Can vim/gvim save settings (e.g. spell check on/off) for individual files?

Is there a way to set (and have vim remember) settings that are specific to an individual file? Specifically, I would like to turn spell checking on or off for specific files and have vim remember ...
Patrick Kelly's user avatar
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Spellcheck only a part of a word

(There might be an XY problem in the title, I let you judge.) The default dictionary for French sets the (ASCII) hyphen - to be a word character, which is the right thing to do. The issue is that ...
Maëlan's user avatar
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Neovim diffrent behaviour than vim on spelling sugestion

First thing first I am writing a foreign language with a different keyboard(greek-english). I was trying some spell checking features of vim and neovim and I noticed that neovim might have a bug. At ...
Spyros Mourelatos's user avatar
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How to get Vim spell checker to ignore the first word capitalization?

For aesthetic reasons, if I don't use capitilization then how do I tell Vim's spell checker to ignore these mistakes? Currently I see a blue line under these mistakes. For example: i like to paint. ...
OrientalMagician's user avatar
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Why does "thge" correct to "Chge" using spellcheck?

I was showing a friend the spell-check feature in Vim which I add activated by adding the lines setlocal spell and set spelllang=en_gb to my .vimrc. He did the same on his end and tried a few spell ...
Isky Mathews's user avatar
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Setting font color and underline of `highlight SpellBad`

I want hi SpellBad to be red (167 or #fb4934) and underlined. What I have right now is this: vimrc... setlocal spell set spelllang=en_gb inoremap <C-l> <c-g>u<Esc>[s1z=`]a<...
grepgrok's user avatar
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Spell check highlighting in gruvbox disappears on scroll

When I open vim initially misspelled words are highlighted but as soon as I scroll they become unhighlighted. I have gruvbox color scheme. My vimrc looks like this """"""...
nanacnote's user avatar
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vim spell checking

I am using vim and latex to produce documents and I have realized that I am making a number of spelling mistakes and in order to correct that I installed vim-lexical plugin. However, nothing seems to ...
lucian's user avatar
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Ignore spell check for LaTeX commands with multiple arguments

I have read through a lot of the posts on spell checking LaTeX syntax - here, here, and here. I am sure the problem is my lack of regex understanding, but I am having trouble configuring it so that ...
Paul's user avatar
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How to make vim show suggest current word in spellchecking suggestiong if current word is correct?

I often write code, and sometimes I check comments with z= when I am not sure of a spelling of some word. Vim then presents a list of suggestions. However, when I got the spelling right and the word ...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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Vim cannot find medical spell files

Problem specification I would love to have a medical spell dictionary in vim. Currently, I have a lot of medical terms in my own personal English dictionary right now. However, using an official ...
melvio's user avatar
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Disabling spellchecker highlight

When activating the spellchecker (with :set spell spelllang=en_us for example), all incorrect words are highlighted. I'd prefer if they'd not be highlighted, but the spell checker to continue to work (...
Luiz Martins's user avatar
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vim/vim-latex: spell-check highlighting breaks after occurrences of \end{center}, \end{enumerate}, \end{itemize}

The highlighting of misspelled words in my LaTeX documents breaks, when I open a .tex file and jump to the bottom instead of scrolling through the whole document. Only .tex files seem to be affected, ...
user11718766's user avatar
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Add global spell ignore words

I'm editing a wiki and it uses atleast two languages. Vim has no problem, as it allows multiple languages in spellcheck. Problem is, some wiki templates, and html-like mediawiki tags are often words ...
Fedja's user avatar
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Disable spell checking for URLs in BibTeX

I would like to disable spell checking for the URLs in my BibTeX (.bib) files. I was able to disable spell checking for the citation keys (author-year or author+year) as follows: autocmd FileType bib \...
Rudolf Adamkovic's user avatar
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How can I compile all spell .add files?

I have two spelling addition files: ~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add ~/.vim/bundle/work/spell/en.utf-8.add ~/.vim/bundle/work is in my 'runtimepath'. I can run this script to build .spl files for both .add ...
idbrii's user avatar
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How do I make Vim ask to download spellfiles without manually typing ":set spelllang=..."?

I have this in my Vim configuration file: set spell set spelllang=fr When I start Vim, I get an error: Warning: Cannot find word list "fr.utf-8.spl" or "fr.ascii.spl" Press ENTER ...
Flux's user avatar
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Vim's spell check: Ignore abbreviations in acro package commands?

The acro package introduces LaTeX macros like \ac{abc}, \acs{abc}, \acl{abc}, \acp{abc}, \acpl{abc}, \Ac{abc}, etc. Here, abc is the label for an acronym. I manually extract the acronym labels from ...
user36800's user avatar
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Vim spellcheck does not highlight/select misspelt text which is emphasized or strongly emphasized in Markdown

I have noticed that vim spellcheck does not highlight/select text which is emphasized (i.e., italicized) or strongly emphasized (i.e., bold) in markdown. For example, The wuick brown fox jumps over ...
sghosh's user avatar
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How to disable spell check inside code blocks in markdown? [closed]

Code blocks (fenced with ` or ```) are bound to have words not correctly spelled and spell check warnings often get in the way of syntax highlighting. I still want spell check enabled for the rest of ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
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How to exclude git commit hash (7-char long hex string) from spelling?

I use neovim as editor for git. Especially when rebasing it is hard to focus on the important things because the spell check highlights the commit hashes. Therefore I'm trying to exclude the 7-char ...'s user avatar
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Vim doesn't flag "int" as a spelling mistake

I have a file en.utf-8.add in the folder of a file being edited by Vim. I issue :mkspell! en.utf-8.add to create a new en.utf-8.add.spl. In the edited document, the word int is not flagged as a ...
user36800's user avatar
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Vim Spellcheck Not Working

I'm trying to use spell but for some reason it doesn't work. Here's what I've tried: :setlocal spell spelllang=en_us. :set spell spelllang=en_us. Using a simple text file instead of the .md file I ...
Lual's user avatar
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How to set spellfile with spaces

I am trying to give vim a global spellfile and a project-specific spellfile. The project-specific file is ./en.utf-8.add relative to the cwd. This works fine if the project directory has no spaces, ...
Marcel's user avatar
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How to create a new Vim 8.0 spelling dictionary?

I'm using Vim 8.0 along with it's excellent spelling feature to check text documents for errors. I need create a custom spelling dictionary by copying the en_us dictionary and modifying it. The ...
user12711's user avatar
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Vim autocorrection problem

I am having a problem with vim autocorrection. I got this line from a website, which is: inoremap <C-l> <Esc>[s1z=`]a The problem is that whenever I press Ctrl+l to correct something, it ...
deomanu01's user avatar
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How to disable American spellchecking in vim, and switch purely to British?

I tried :set spell spelllang=en_gb in my vim, but I noticed that summarization is not highlighted as incorrect. Shouldn't it be wrong? How to fix this problem?
Boris's user avatar
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Setting vim spelllang for Italian

I need to enable the spelllang of vim for Italian as well, but I can't understand how to tell vim to check for Italian words as well. This is what I have in my init.vim, if it can help you: I tried ...
deomanu01's user avatar
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Shortcut for spell checking

I would like to create a shortcut for the spell checker, since it requires a relatively long command. I inserted the following map in the .vimrc file: inoremap <F5> <C-O>:set spell ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
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Move between non-capitalised (SpellCap) spelling mistakes

After running set spell is see spelling mistakes as well as non-capitalised words. I can move between mistakes with [s or ]s, but is there a way to move between non-capitalised words? Motivation is to ...
Josh Friedlander's user avatar
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undercurl not visible to me in gvim on WIndows 10

I like to use undercurl to highlight spelling mistakes in Vim. I believe it does this by default. This works fine in MacOS and Linux but it isn't visible for gvim on Windows 10. Originally, I ...
Stephen Rasku's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to highlight spelling errors?

While using gVim on my Windows 10 machine at work, I discovered and started using the amazing spell checker when writing markdown. In gVim, misspelled words are underlined with the red squiggly ...
PatMcTookis's user avatar
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XML syntax folding and custom tag spell checking

I have the following in my ~/vim/syntax/xrc.vim to spell check contents of specific tags when editing XRC files that are just XML files with predefined schema: runtime syntax/xml.vim " check ...
VZ.'s user avatar
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Remember spelling settings in session file

I enabled spell checking in a buffer with set spell spelllang=en which works. If I save the session with mksession! and later source it back with vim -S Session.vim, spellchecking is no longer enabled....
JohnDoe's user avatar
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