If I execute a interactive command with :terminal, buffername will be something like: term://.//1234:command executed here with params.

I want to be able to change it to something more meaningful to use with my fork for vim-vroom. Here is the snippet for reference:

function s:RunNeoTerminal(cmd)
  " close previous openned buffer
  if exists('t:vroom_terminal_bufnr') && bufexists(t:vroom_terminal_bufnr)
    exec ":bd! ".t:vroom_terminal_bufnr

  let height = winheight(0) * 1/4
  exec ":belowright " . height . "split"

  exec ":terminal " . a:cmd
  " terminal runs by default in insert mode which kills the buffer after exit,
  " let's change to normal mode
  exec ":stopinsert"
  let t:vroom_terminal_bufnr = bufnr('%')


1 Answer 1


You can change the name of any buffer by using the :file {name} command. However, doing so changes that alternate-file to the previous name, which you may not want in this case. The :keepalt command avoids that issue.

Putting it all together, this should do what you want

keepalt file meaningful

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