Is is possible to get the original working directory of vim after changing the local working directory?

Let's say I open vim with parent directory:


and then I open a file and change the working directory:


autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h

GOAL: I want to get the directory name:




Is this possible?

2 Answers 2



If your project is under git's control then you use Fugitive.vim.

:echo fugitive#repo().tree()

To edit a file relative to the git root you an use :Gedit and a /:

:Gedit /tasks/mytask.js

For more help see:

:h fugitive
:h :Gedit


If you are using Projectionist.vim then you can get the inner most directory by doing the following:

:echo projectionist#path()

Projectionist also provides :Cd to change the directory from the project root. :ProjectDo {cmd} will run command, {cmd}, from the project root.

For more help see:

:h projectionist
:h :Cd
:h :ProjectDo
:h projectionist#path()

Low-tech solution

Forget "auto-cd-ing" to the current file's directory. Just set your current path to your project's root. Use a nice fuzzyfinder like CtrlP to navigate your files.

You can use %:h to get the current file's directory:

:e %:h

For more help see:

:h 'autochdir'
:h c_%
:h filename-modifiers


Personally I use projectionist for my project needs, however I also keep the current working directory at my project root and never change it. This keeps things simple.

If you do insist on "auto-cd-ing" then I would recommend you look into 'autochdir. See :h 'autochdir'.

:echo system("pwd")

should give you the information you want.

  • Not sure if I have a plugin that is interfering or not. But it's just returning the same info if I did plain pwd. I just ended up creating a global variable store the first opened file. let g:projectDir = get(g:, 'projectDir', expand('%:p:h'))
    – Jon49
    Commented Dec 2, 2015 at 20:54
  • When Vim runs an external command, either through :! or system(), it uses the working directory that was set via :cd or :lcd, so this won't work.
    – jamessan
    Commented Dec 4, 2015 at 13:35

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