I know I can execute the current file, lets say a bash file, with :! bash %. But what can I do if I want to execute the current file in a different directory (such as the location of the current file) than the current vim working directory. I know that I could change to the working directory of the current file by :cd %:p:h and then execute the file but then I would need to jump back again.

Would really appreciate any help.

  • cd to the interesting directory inside the script?
    – lcd047
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 4:38
  • yeah sure could do that but I would like to avoid to hard code the location since I will need to execute it on another machine
    – DUWUDA
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 4:42

2 Answers 2


There are various possibilities, but I think you'd either have to jump back (cd -), or execute the command in a subshell; e.g.:

:! cd somedir; bash ~-/% ; cd -

:! bash -c 'cd somedir ; bash ~-/%'
  • thanks a lo t! ':cd %:p:h ; bash %:t ; cd -' works as I hoped
    – DUWUDA
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 7:56

Thanks for the hint from the other answer here. It largely works. But keep typing all those ":cd ...; bash ...; cd -" MULTIPLE TIMES are so bothersome.

In my case, I was going to do a bunch of shell commands. More precisely, I started my vim in repo_foo, AND also open some files in helper repo_bar. Later I realized I would need to do several git commands in that helper repo_bar. I ended up shell out to the repo_bar's directory, by:

:!cd %:p:h; bash

I do NOT need to do cd - to go back to my original working directory, because when I later exit the sub-shell, it will automatically go back to the parent shell with the original working directory intact.

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