Thanks to @BobHyam's question and to @BenjiFischer's answer on the list [email protected], I found out how to print to hardcopy while integrating form feeds:
in ~/.vimrc
" ^L
by analogy, in
# ^L
followed by something like:
:set popt+=formfeed;y,left:15mm,right:15mm
With that in mind, and knowing that converting vim generated text into an html file is also possible with:
... I could not find a solution on how to insert arbitrarily placed html page breaks in the yet to be converted vim file (the code) so it would mess up neither the code nor the document converted to html.
Has anybody ideas on whether it can be done (with a reasonable effort) prior or upon conversion to html, from the vim buffer ?
Note: I am not asking about html syntax. I do know how to insert a page break in html while writing html. That bit is off topic here. What I am after is a way to code using vim and prior to converting all or part of a buffer to an html document, to introduce from vim the necessary html page breaks, without disrupting the code.
\# ^L
for a shell script ? Tx.