I am new to vim.

I have a HTML code with lots of <li></li> with its content that could span multiply lines like below:


When I apply :set foldmethod=syntax, vim does nothing on folding that tags. When I apply :set foldmethod=indent, vim apply code folding like this:

+---- 2 lines: text------
+---- 2 lines: text------

However, I intend to fold the code like when I use manual folding zfat:

+---- 4 lines: <li>------
+---- 4 lines: <li>------

So that it is more condensed and, at the same time, I know it is a listed items.

The problem is: how do I achieve this with auto folding?

1 Answer 1


You can achieve this using foldexpression. The best would be to create a function, that analyzes each line and returns an actual foldlevel. Here is a short example, that should get you started:

set fen fdm=expr fde=getline(v:lnum)=~#'<[^>]*>'?'a1':getline(v:lnum)=~#'</[^>]*>'?'s1':'='

Read the details at :h fold-expr (especially the special meaning of the return values for the evaluation of the expression.

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