I am writing a vim plugin for the fortran filetype.

In an autoload script, I have done:

" File Name: autoload/makes.vim
let s:Compiler = get(g:, "fortran_compiler", "gfortran")
let s:ObjExt    =   '.o'
let s:ModExt    =   '.mod'
let s:ExeExt    =   ''
let s:VimComp   =   'gfortran'
let s:FCFlags   =   '-Wall -g -O0 -c'
let s:FLFlags   =   '-Wall -g -O0'
let s:OutputGvim=   'vim'

function! makes#Fcompile()
  exe ":cclose"
  exe ":update"

  let sou = expand("%:p")
  let obj = expand("%:p:r").s:ObjExt

  if !filereadable(obj) || (filereadable(obj) && (getftime(obj)<getftime(sou)))
    let makeprg_saved = '"'.&makeprg.'"'
    exe "setlocal makeprg=".s:Compiler
    let v:statusmsg = ''
    exe "make ".s:FCFlags. " " .sou. " -o " .obj
    if empty(v:statusmsg)
      :let &statusline = "'".obj."':Compiled successfully"
    if v:shell_error !=0
      :let &statusline = v:shell_error
    exe ":botright copen"
    :let &statusline = "'".obj."':is up to date"

I use it from ftplugin/fortran_mk.vim like this:

function! Compile()
  :call makes#Fcompile()

Now, I compile a program, say, foo.f90 as:

Program foo
   Implicit None
   write (*, *) "Hello"+i
End Program foo

The problem is that when compilation succeeds (:exe Compile()), a buffer opens named "<Integer>: -- NO NAME --". If there is an error the buffer does not open and shows the error in quickfix.

I want no buffer to open when compilation succeeds and a oneline error when it failed.

  • 1
    From what I see in the main function you're always opening the quickfix window except in the case of the obj file being "up to date". Why not just return after the "Compiled succesfully" message?
    – B Layer
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 6:50
  • 1
    BTW, not related to your question but just from a good coding convention standpoint it would be good to change that first if to check the opposite condition and if true set status line to "up to date" and return. Then the rest of the code wouldn't have to all be indented in a large if block.
    – B Layer
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 6:58
  • 1
    @BLayer from a good coding convention standpoint i would recommend not setting the statusline... most users have their own, and I would not be happy if a plugin overrode mine. There are other ways to message the user. (Also the statusline may not be visible)
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 13:33
  • Other code comment: when you save the old makeprg, you dont restore it. And the double quotes around it arent necessary—just save it directly.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 13:34
  • @D.BenKnoble That really has nothing to do with coding conventions. I was talking about refactoring the conditionals. I mentioned their use of statusline...for which I rendered no judgement...just to identify the code in question.
    – B Layer
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 16:11

1 Answer 1


So what opens this additional buffer is your command exe ":botright copen", :h :copen is used to open the quickfix window. As you use it no matter how the compilation went, when the compilation is successful the quickfix doesn't contain anything and the buffer looks open.

So the first thing to do is to remove the useless usages of :exe: In exe ":cclose", exe ":update" and exe ":botright copen" you don't need an execute command since the strings to pass to execute are already complete normal commands. So replace these lines by cclose, update and botright open.

Now to prevent the buffer from opening on failed compilation you probably want to move botright copen to a specific condition. It could be like this:

if empty(v:statusmsg)
    let &statusline = "'".obj."':Compiled successfully"
    botright copen    

Also a few different ideas:

  • As B.Layer pointed out in the comments you can reduce the cyclomatic complexity of your function by refactoring your if conditions
  • You don't need to use : in front of normal commands in a vimscript
  • I think there is no benefit using the short name of commands in a script
  • And I think you don't need to surround your save of makeprg between quotes you should be able to do let save = &makeprg and then execute 'set makeprg = ' . save

So here is how I would refactor your code:

function! makes#Fcompile()

    let sou = expand("%:p")
    let obj = expand("%:p:r").s:ObjExt

    " Don't process any further if the compilation is up to date
    if filereadable(obj) && (getftime(obj)>getftime(sou)))
        let &statusline = "'" . obj . "':is up to date"

    let makeprg_saved = &makeprg
    execute "setlocal makeprg=" . s:Compiler
    let v:statusmsg = ''
    execute "make " . s:FCFlags . " " . sou . " -o " . obj
    execute 'set makeprg=' . makeprg_saved

    " Don'r process any further if the compilation was sucessful
    if empty(v:statusmsg)
        let &statusline = "'" . obj . "':Compiled successfully"

    if v:shell_error !=0
        let &statusline = v:shell_error
    botright copen
  • You also forgot to restore the makeprg :)
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 13:35
  • Good catch Ben, thanks :)
    – statox
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 14:22

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