What would be the difference between these two commands?

autocmd FileType python nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>d ihello!


autocmd FileType python nnoremap <localleader>d ihello!

One references <buffer> and one does not. To me they act the same in my testing of the two in different splits and then different windows, so was wondering why <buffer> needed to be included at all, but perhaps I'm not understanding why it's really needed.


1 Answer 1


I've already answered this question you've asked two days ago here

Without <buffer>, if you open a python file after an html one, either you'll see <option-space> from html still working, or you'll override <option-space> with a new one (if you have another mapping dedicated to python), even in the previous html buffer. Without <buffer>, mappings and abbreviations are global: shared between all buffers

To fully appreciate what happens, try the following

autocmd FileType python iab for for :<left>
autocmd FileType vim    iab for for<cr>endfor<up>

And then,

" open a python buffer
e foo.py
" type for + space
" -> should be ok

" open a vim buffer
sp foo.vim
" type for + space
" -> should be OK

" go back to the python buffer
sb foo.py " sb != sp
" type for + space
" -> you should see the vimscript snippet instead of the python one

" open a new python buffer
sp bar.py
" type for + space
" -> it works again!

" if you go back to foo.vim, 
sb foo.vim " sb != sp
" -> this time, this is the python snippet..

Non-<buffer> definitions are global, and Filetype event is triggered once per buffer.

=> the right way to do it is to use buffer-specific mappings, abbreviations, commands, variables... for things that are specific to a filetype.

And last thing, these things are not defined at a semantic level: while the even is Filetype, the definition is buffer-related, not filetype-related, as seen in this other Q/A of yours https://vi.stackexchange.com/a/25865/626.

  • thanks for this, that's a great answer. I appreciate your time writing it up!
    – David542
    Commented Jun 12, 2020 at 4:18
  • Here is going through your exercise with both global (right) and using <buffer> (left) -- imgur.com/a/VIkPgYI
    – David542
    Commented Jun 12, 2020 at 4:28

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