With vimwiki you can fold headers and lists as following:
Example for headers and list folding:
= My current task =
* [ ] Do stuff 1
* [ ] Do substuff 1.1
* [ ] Do substuff 1.2
* [ ] Do substuff 1.2.1
* [ ] Do substuff 1.2.2
* [ ] Do substuff 1.3
* [ ] Do stuff 2
* [ ] Do stuff 3
Hit zM:
= My current task = [8] --------------------------------------
Hit zr:
= My current task =
* [ ] Do stuff 1 [5] --------------------------------------
* [ ] Do stuff 2
* [ ] Do stuff 3
Hit zr one more time:
= My current task =
* [ ] Do stuff 1
* [ ] Do substuff 1.1
* [ ] Do substuff 1.2 [2] -------------------------------
* [ ] Do substuff 1.3
* [ ] Do stuff 2
* [ ] Do stuff 3
The header-folding (= Header =
) does works for me, but list-folding (* [ ] list
) doesn't.
Vimwiki says this about list-folding, but I don't understand what it exaclty means:
NOTE: If you use the default vimwiki syntax, folding on list items will work properly only if all of them are indented using current shiftwidth. For MediaWiki,
should be in the first column.
My vimrc is as following:
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'vimwiki'
call vundle#end()
set nocompatible
filetype plugin on
syntax on
set foldmethod=syntax
Plugin 'vimwiki'
looks like Vundle, but AFAIK you need to usecall vundle#begin()
andcall vundle#end()
...vim -u test-vimrc.vim
to use a different vimrc file.