I'd like to diff large files in vim using the scrollback limit set in my terminal (which is available memory), so I can, if necessary, find and review previously applied changes.

I use OS X's Terminal set to xterm-256color (modified, alternate screen is disabled).

I couldn't find any settings to make the initial windows the same size as the opened files.


A workaround for single files is using MouseTerm to enable mouse reporting, then add to your ~/.vimrc

if has("mouse")
    set mouse=a

In vimdiff this allows to easily scroll long files, but the text is not kept in the scrollback, although it does for single files.

  • So I take it that the main motivation is scrolling with your mouse instead of within vim? You could try :set mouse=a to scroll within vim with your mouse or use gvim/macvim. I know it's not exactly what you asked, but I figured I'd float the idea out there in case it meets your needs.
    – Matt Boehm
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 23:23
  • @MattBoehm, as I said, the main motivation is to keep the changes on screen so I can review them if necessary.
    – 1.61803
    Commented Sep 10, 2015 at 9:29

1 Answer 1


it might work using:

:set lines=1000 columns=100

where your line number is your scrollback limit.

Otherwise, you can "cheat" using screen, setting it to a way higher height than vim's default. I'm sure that there is a config option to set LINES and COLUMNS (as it does not use the env variables), but using a terminal to set it with a very small font, and opening it in another terminal using screen -x should work.


though, I do not really see why you'd want to abuse the scrollback, when vim can properly manage the mouse within the terminal. Just do :set mouse=a to have it take over full mouse control.

  • :set lines=1000 columns=100 just mixes up the layout (please, try it yourself), a little less if I only set the number of lines. Could you explain your approach with screen? It's been ages since I last used it.
    – 1.61803
    Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 18:53
  • @zmo, I use the trackpad, not a mouse. I want to keep changes on-screen. That's why I mentioned I disabled alternate screen.
    – 1.61803
    Commented Sep 10, 2015 at 9:31

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