I am trying to install yats.vim for TypeScript syntax. I used the usual Plug 'HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim' in my vimrc. However, once I run PlugInstall the syntax highlighting in all .ts files is still the default highlighting from Vim.

Is there anyway to make sure this gets overridden?

  • Could you tell us why you think why you still have the default syntax highlighting? Could you share an example of typescript file, the expected colorization/syntax and the obtained colorization/syntax (screenshot will help). Commented Oct 13 at 4:51
  • Could you tell us which version of Vim you are using (:version)? Commented Oct 13 at 5:06
  • Vim is running version 9.1. The reason I think it isn't working is the syntax highlighting without the package installed is no different to when the package is installed. Commented Oct 13 at 5:46
  • As an example, when yats.vim is installed the keyword as is not highlighted when associating types (casting). Commented Oct 13 at 5:49

1 Answer 1


The typescript syntax of recent version of Vim (e.g. Vim 9.1) is based Herrington Darkholme's yats.vim I expect very little differences between the Herrington Darkholme's syntax and the default Vim typescript syntax for recent version of Vim.

To determine the highlight group of a keyword or construction you could:

  • Move your cursor on the keyword or construction
  • Run: echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')

For both syntax (the Vim 9.1 default or the HerringtonDarkholme's version) the highlight group of the as keyword is: typescriptCastKeyword.

Remark: It could be that you don't get the color you want because of the colorscheme you use.

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