I want to use the find_command argument in Telescope's live_grep, as far as I know, it accepts a list of arguments that will be passed to ripgrep in this case.

This command works in the terminal:

rg -g "**/*.spec*" react-redux

So I want to setup a custom mapping that passes these arguments to live_grep like so:

x = {":Telescope live_grep find_command=rg,-g,'**/*.spec*'<cr>", "X Grep"},

However this is not working, it's searching without taking into consideration the glob passed.

Any ideas on how to solve this?

1 Answer 1


The live_grep function takes the vimgrep_arguments option in place of find_command, which is the option for the find_files function call. So:

vimgrep_arguments = {"rg", "-g", "**/*.spec*"}
require("telescope.builtin").live_grep({vimgrep_arguments = vimgrep_arguments})

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