I want to write or find a plugin that helps me convert print statements to log statements in Python 3.

Consider a situation: I am writing some code, I want to add a feature based around some API, I quickly write a couple lines of code and add a bunch of print statements here and there that help me in understanding what the current state of the program is.

print("API response", response)
print(val1, val2)
print("I am a string with no variables")
print(f"I am an f-string so I will have {curly} {variables} here and there")

I want to be able to convert all these to log statements:

log.info(f"API response {response}")
log.info(f"{val1} {val2}"4)
log.info("I am a string with no variables")
log.info(f"I am an f-string so I will have {curly} {variables} here and there")

In case of f-strings, it is a simple find and replace, but in all other cases, there's a lot of hassle around converting the print statement to a proper format before I can log it.

So far, I have written some custom mappings which use the surround.vim plugin:

"wrap value in bracket with f-string
nmap <leader>w ysib"ysi"}F"if<Esc>
"change print to log.info
nmap <leader>y csflog.info<Esc><leader>w
nmap <leader>wt _ys$}ysa}"If<Esc>_ys$)Ilog.error<Esc>
"maybe add map for direct writing the whole statement?
nmap <leader>yt Ilog.error(f"{traceback.format_exc()}")<Esc>

But they are very limited in usage

  • 1
    Welcome to Vi and Vim! This turns out to be difficult even with a macro, lots of edge-cases to consider. Obviously converting a general form into an f-string would solve the issue; you could do the print -> log.whatever afterwards.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Apr 15, 2021 at 19:56
  • 1
    I think it would be far easier to achieve what you want in Python than in vim. Simply add a new function to take in args like ...(*args), and then call logs.info(" ".join(args)). And maybe a second function to call logs.error(" ".join(args)). Once you have those functions, then use vim to (e.g.) :%s/\<print(/print_log(/c
    – jalanb
    Commented Apr 17, 2021 at 21:36
  • thanks, @jalanb, I have posted a solution to this question. which is similar to your approach, but depends completely on Vim with no additional steps other than a substitution. Commented Apr 18, 2021 at 11:26

1 Answer 1


A substitution like this works for all scenarios:

%s/print(\(.*\))/log.info(" ".join([\1]))/

  • Grab everything within print brackets (.*) using regex
  • replace the match with a join statement surrounding the match
  • replace the print with log.info (or whatever is required)

Here is the test script if anyone wants to try it for themselves:

import logging, traceback

logging.basicConfig(filename='example.log', level=logging.DEBUG)

response = 'resp'
val1 = val2 = '1'

curly = "CURLY"
variables = "VARIABLES"

print("API response", response)

print(val1, val2)

print("I am a string with no variables")

print(f"I am an f-string so I will have {curly} {variables} here and there")


Note: I found the solution here. I also documented the question & answer in this issue & PR.

Thanks for your response @janand & @Ben Knoble

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