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Questions tagged [ripgrep]

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Neovim not loading User-level shell (bash) profile when running on a remote server

I installed Neovim on a remote server. Everything runs fine, except that among the very few plugins I use, Telescope does not work properly since it does not find the rg (ripgrep) command. Two ...
mEm's user avatar
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Pass custom glob to ripgrep when using Telescope live_grep

I want to use the find_command argument in Telescope's live_grep, as far as I know, it accepts a list of arguments that will be passed to ripgrep in this case. This command works in the terminal: rg -...
alextrastero's user avatar
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FZF-Vim with ripgrep: load results into quickfix list?

I used to use the vim-ripgrep plugin to integrate with ripgrep (:Rg), which would load the results from rg into a quickfix list, so I could go back and forward over them with [q and ]q. Now I use the ...
fanaugen's user avatar
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How to pass an argument for glob in fzf.vim Rg to support searching in specific files?

I am using fzf.vim plugin with ripgrep. Fzf comes with the command :RG and :Rgright out of the box that lets me to search for keywords in files. However, often I need to search for keywords in ...
Iggy's user avatar
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How to use alternation operator in ripgrep + vim?

I have the following in my .vimrc which (I believe) makes :grep within Vim use rg: if executable('rg') set grepprg=rg\ --no-heading\ --vimgrep\ --hidden\ --case-sensitive\ --ignore-vcs\ --glob\ '!....
Aaron Parisi's user avatar
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How can use :grep with range in neovim with ripgrep as external grep program?

I am using ripgrep as external grep program in neovim. Which works when I call :grep 'pattern' in neovim Command Mode. I frequently have to search some strings within a blocked range in long json ...
avimehenwal's user avatar
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Multiline search and replace with quickfix list and :cdo

I'm working on applying doctrine/coding-standard on doctrine/orm, and I would like to work smarter. I would like to search occurences of /** * @Id * @Column(type="integer") ...
greg0ire's user avatar
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How to open ripgrep search in new tab

I'm able to search open a file in the current tab, but not able to open in a new tab. I was watching this tutorial, but I'm unable to open a file in tabs or splits. When I try ctrl-t I get this error
Nikhil Wagh's user avatar
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Custom key binding for project-wide search and replace using FZF.vim Rg function?

I know that one can do a project-wide search and replace using the results of an Rg search in FZF.vim by doing the following: Run :Rg SEARCH_TERM Use Alt + a (or in my case, Esc + a, since I'm using ...
rplee's user avatar
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Opening multiple files in Vim with fzf.vim's Rg command

Recently I was watching the following YouTube video and got confused at the part where he is talking about opening multiple files at once. I tried this on my own ...
rplee's user avatar
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