I use the solution from this question to display tabs with litlle ⸱ characters. It works but they appear on a lighter gray background than the dark gray background I am using. It is quite distracting as unimportant information is highlighted.
Is there a way to avoid that ? What should I do ?
I am using vim with the beloved solarized8 theme. I have the same behavior on Gnome Terminal, Terminator and Alacritty.
Thanks in advance.
:help 'listchars'
(almost at the end).:help hl-SpecialKey
.:h 'hl'
(Vim only, not supported in Neovim).But, I think, it' more common to set it up the other way round (i.e. to change colorscheme / SpecialKey colors). I'm pretty sure there were many similar questions asked already.