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2 answers

Is Neovim able to use Terminal profile colors?

My terminal profile is set by time and changes between dark and light. The color-scheme is fine-tuned to my personal needs, I would love to make Neovim use the terminal colors profile. Is it possible ...
mad_mosel's user avatar
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Why is my terminal background color changing now when I start neovim 0.10?

My neovim is run under Kitty with the Borland color scheme. When I start neovim my background changes. You can see the before picture here, And the after picture here, I've tried deleting every ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Is it possible to change Vim 'gutter' color to white?

I have looked at these two questions but I think I am not understanding something. I am using vim-git-gutter. When I do not have any special settings, I get the default highlighting in the sign column....
merlin2011's user avatar
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Neovim has wrong background setting

I'm having a trouble with Neovim colors when using my vimrc file as Neovim's init.vim. Here's the expected look, how it looks in Vim: And here is how it looks in Neovim: I guess that's because of ...
d.k's user avatar
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Vim change colour for colour group in terminal

I'm editing Perl files in Vim in pure Linux terminal which has 16 colours. Suppose, there is the following code: =pod insert $item_ref = { fields image: Mojo::Asset::File | undef } ...
user4035's user avatar
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Colorizing log buffer with ANSI color codes

I have an issue with a log output in a buffer, that i get from Flutter / Dart via akinsho/flutter-tools.nvim. The log contains some ANSI color codes, see below. I believe the actual color code is the [...
Hannes Hultergård's user avatar
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How to customize comment?

For a specific type of file, want to define customized comment with below requirements. Comment is start with -comment. Comment content is surround by curly brackets { }. Only show comment content ...
Fisher's user avatar
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Set different colours for different HTML tags

Can we set different colours for different tags in HTML syntax? For example, set a tags to green and div tags to yellow. In VsCode this extension makes HTML tags coloured inside .html, .jsx, .tsx and ...
mohamadi_arch's user avatar
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What options do I have to give time-only (i.e dependent on a call to a DB via http) dependent coloring to the words matching a regex?

Say the special strings are those matching the regex \<prefix[0-9]\+\>, and say that an HTTP request I can do via system can tell me that that item is in one of three states, Green, Red, or Blue....
Enlico's user avatar
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How to fix RGB / RGBA colors not being shown as colors in neovim nvChad lazy.nvim colorizer plugin?

I can see color on those: #000000 red But not on those: rgb(0,45,65); rgba(2,45,23,1); Here is C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\nvim\lua\plugins\init.lua file colorizer code that comes preinstalled with ...
over-heaven's user avatar
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Cross-compiled Vim on ARM - only colours are bold, & underline

I cross-compiled Vim 9.0 for ARM / arm-linux-gnueabihf (after also cross-compiling ncurses): # ac_cv_sizeof_int=4 \ vim_cv_getcwd_broken=no \ vim_cv_memmove_handles_overlap=yes \ ...
Kingsley's user avatar
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Adding colour to the output of a bash command?

I'm working with pytest and have keybindings set up to run all the tests in the specific file I'm working on. The command I run is: :! pytest -vs "<C-r>%" However, the output of this ...
tcotts's user avatar
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As you can see in both the vimrc.plug and vim.rc files they both seem to be working in terms of gruvbox. I have syntax on, but when I type Vim into terminal and start typing or open a specific file ...
nevann copeland's user avatar
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<HOME> key is unwanted set to "toggle upercase"

During insert mode my Home key is set to toggle case of character which is very annoying. I tried this command to search for any settings, but failed to solve the problem. I would like to set it to go ...
abu_bua's user avatar
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How do I restore normal colorscheme?

Upon launching vim, if I enter colorscheme the output is default. If I enter colorscheme default the colorscheme changes. If I change the colorscheme from the default to any other colorscheme and then ...
Jonathan Strange's user avatar
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Why does this syntax rule match numbers in identifiers and how can I fix it?

I wrote a rather simple syntax file, but digits in identifiers get colored: syn match xNumber '\d\+' In i1 the 1 gets the "numbers" color. Maybe identifiers need to be matched with higher ...
andreas graeper's user avatar
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Fedora 35: Suddenly vi screen started looking funny!

A few days ago, vi started loading files and applying some strange highlighting. I have done nothing (on purpose anyway) to edit colors (don't know how). Can anyone explain how to fix this? Default ...
mike65535's user avatar
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Is it possible to specify a background color that is "added" in a particular matching region?

If I define a syntax highlighting region (or a match or keyword, for that matter), is it possible to specify or alter the background color of anything in that region, including things contained in it? ...
karlh's user avatar
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Colorizing old school VI

I'm working in a old environment, installing VIM is not an option and neither other similar packages. My only editor available is the old school VI, version 3.10. So, I wanted to ask you guys, do you ...
Help-me's user avatar
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Configure neovim to use means other than color for syntax highlighting

I'm trying to write a .vimrc that's portable between vim and nvim (neovim) and directs the editor to use means other than colors to distinguish syntactic entities. In vim, the following .vimrc will ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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Vim only colours background of area with text in it [duplicate]

If I'm using kitty terminal the $TERM environment variable is xterm-kitty, which supports truecolour. I have set termguicolors in my .vimrc. When the terminal is in dark mode, and I enter set ...
dnaik's user avatar
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:terminal, change prompt color or background color

When I run :terminal, I have a combination of blue color of the prompt over a grey background and I can barely read what is written, see attached image. What options can I add to :ter in such a way I ...
Barzi2001's user avatar
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How to change foreground color of character underneath cursor?

I've tried setting the highlight rules below but it does not work. Whatever color I choose, the color of the character stays the same. I'm using xfce4-terminal on Linux and on Mac OSX. ...
Looft's user avatar
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How to adjust text color for Texinfo

I am working with Vim 7.4 on Linux (Xubuntu 14.04). I am editing Texinfo files and I would like to adjust the color of ordinary text. The colors of other items (@ macros, comments, etc.) are all okay. ...
Robert Dodier's user avatar
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Adjust syntax highlighting of git/mercurial patch within a popup

I have added the following line to my vimrc which allows me to press <leader>p to show the mercurial log with patch for the current line in a popup window. nmap <silent><Leader>p :...
xormapmap's user avatar
6 votes
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E254: Cannot allocate color SlateBlue

I just freshly installed vim via brew install vim... and presently have version 8.2.3450. In ~/.vimrc I have syntax on, and when I run vim, I get: E254: Cannot allocate color SlateBlue If I delete / ...
user664833's user avatar
-1 votes
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Problem setting cursor colors in vimrc: suppress the `-ne` that is written to my xterm on exit

Following the vim manual and also some threads on this site, I can set the color of my cursor to orange in insert mode and red otherwise, with the following lines in my .vimrc file. " use an ...
Leo Simon's user avatar
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Background color for listchars chars

I use the solution from this question to display tabs with litlle ⸱ characters. It works but they appear on a lighter gray background than the dark gray background I am using. It is quite distracting ...
cassepipe's user avatar
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Color a call append(line)

I have cowfortune showing up at startup and I want to color it. How do I color the call append() line? I saw some things with signs but I didn't really get it to work. enew setlocal \ bufhidden=...
carrasco's user avatar
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Colours in (g)vim output window

I've started learning Rust, and have been setting up my Vim workflow to use it. I'm still relatively new to Vim, and mostly what I've written in it is PHP for a website. Now that I'm working with a ...
murchu27's user avatar
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Default syntax groups use colors >=16 [closed]

I have few quetion about color scheme and terminals... The web is plenty of posts about it but I still does not understand the following: After a fresh install of (g)vim on arch, I did a $ vim ...
Airwan's user avatar
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How to color VIM ":!{cmd}" output?

I'm trying to get the same setup as the guy in this video, so that when :!pytest % gets called, the output is colored. I've tried with various vanilla colorschemes, with no luck... I'm using Neovim, ...
eltbus's user avatar
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How to set the background color for colored items in the statusline to the background color of the statusline?

I am experimenting with creating a statusline and have opted for coloring different parts of it. The problem is that while the item's foreground color is changed, the background is black and doensn't ...
Shuzheng's user avatar
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Shell syntax, how to patch bad highlight groups

The neovim syntax for shell scripts doesn't check if keywords like echo, done, exit etc.. are surrounded by blank spaces or if they're part of a bigger Word. This results in the following bad ...
noibe's user avatar
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prevent changing background color on pressing tab and arrow keys

when I press the tab key or top arrow when I am in the first line, bottom arrow when I am in the last line, right arrow when I am at the end of the line and left arrow when I am at the start of the ...
Mahdi mehrabi's user avatar
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If background is not transparent in ViM, I see the background color of the terminal, which is different

This problem might be a terminal problem, but maybe some of you managed to solve it. I've been using ViM with the default colorscheme, which has a transparent background, so I see the background color ...
LuxGiammi's user avatar
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Vim ignores color 255, as if it doesn't support the 256 ones

Update: it works, if I set the main bg color (white) as ctermbg=231 (it was 015). So it seems that color values in Vim syntax highlight settings shouldn't be mixed: if one uses color codes from the 16 ...
d.k's user avatar
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How do I change Vim cursor color?

I use Vim version 8.0.707. My cursor blinks but make the character disappear half the time. I'd like it to behave as usual: display the negative color. How can I do that please?
Antsamotady's user avatar
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Is there some way to retrieve/redisplay :echon output?

I want to create a multi-color enabled debug-print command. As far I know, the only way to print multi-color messages in Vim is: echohl Macro | echon "Hi" | echohl Statement | \ echon &...
Mooncer's user avatar
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Are opening and closing double quotes expected to be of different color in a bash script?

I've just noticed, after years using Vim, that the two double quote characters opening and closing a string in a bash script have different colors, which I can verify by simply writing var="var&...
Enlico's user avatar
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Remove bottom and right borders (gaps) and customize scrollbar in Athena GVim

I found many webpages [1][2][3] explaining how to color the gaps from GTK GVim, but how can I do the same for Athena GVim? In the left picture, gap should also be black, not gray. What about the ...
Quasímodo's user avatar
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Highlighting color strings with correspondent color

When tweaking color themes, one thing I really miss is a highlighting that would color the color strings with the corresponding color. Maybe this sounds confusing? An example: here is a fragment of a ...
Quasímodo's user avatar
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Color themes listed as available in Vim not changing upon :colo [themename] command

I am trying to install themes using V8+ Vim (8.2) on a Windows 10 OS. I first tried following the standard instructions listed on the Dracula theme site here. Unfortunately, the naming conventions for ...
Shadow43375's user avatar
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How to show list characters with red color?

I have set listchar in .vimrc as below: set list lcs=tab:→\ ,space:·,nbsp:␣,eol:¶ How can I display these characters →\ , · , ␣ , ¶ with red color? Here is my failed attempt: hi! set list lcs=tab:→\...
showkey's user avatar
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How to change the command line status message color and font?

I would like to change the color of part of the command line, the stuff that's echo'd from vim scripts. I know it can be different since when your search hits the bottom it prints a message in red ...
Thomas N's user avatar
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AnsiEsc plugin error

When executing vim, after installing AnsiEsc, I get the following error: Error detected while processing BufRead Auto commands for "*": E117: Unknown function: AnsiEsc#BufReadPost Do you know how to ...
HAL9000's user avatar
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Can't see tag "<>" braces due to highlight color same as braces in Windows terminal

I'm new to Vim and am having an issue with highlight color of matching braces in Vim. if I type: <html> and my cursor is at the one of the <> greater/less-than brace then I can't see the ...
Manik's user avatar
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How to set colors for vim warnings about existing swap files

Is it possible to set color for the warning message "Swap file XXX already exists! ..."? I couldn't figure out which highlight group it belongs to.
Longwu Ou's user avatar
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Setting coloring in :term on urxvt

I use the URxvt terminal emulator, and echo $TERM returns rxvt-unicode-256color. In vim, if I run :echo $TERM, I get the same result. However, if I open a terminal window with :term and enter echo $...
Enlico's user avatar
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Using Nvim-Qt colors with regular Vim

I have been using nvim-qt and I like it. However I want to switch to regular nvim, but like other users I have had trouble with it. So then I thought maybe I will just use plain vim. The issue is ...
Zombo's user avatar
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