enter image description here

My problem

Consider a code block prefixed with a few words (function name, for example). The vim cursor is in the middle of the prefix word. The line ends with a {, which declares a block which spans a few more lines, till a matching }.

I would like to delete the entire block - from the line marked as "24" to the line marked as "7".

What have I tried

  • d% deletes from the cursor position onwards, till the end of the block, but keeps the subgraph c part intact.
  • d8d works, but I need to know how many lines does the block span.
  • d%dd works, but I hope there's a more elegant way that I'm missing

My Question

How can I delete an entire block, including the entire line in which the block starts, with any prefixes before the opening braces?

  • According to your screenshot you use relativenumber, so you do know how many lines the block spans. Why do you not want to use a feature you have specifically enabled (by default it is turned off)? Btw I would press 8dd (i.e. delete 8 lines).
    – Hotschke
    Commented Jul 25, 2018 at 17:55

2 Answers 2


With the cursor on the first line, the proper operation is dV%. The d% means delete from the next { to the matching }.

The V forces the d operator to work linewise, rather than characterwise. See (:h o_v).


Press V, which highlights the line under cursor, then repeatedly cursor-down until the block ends (which highlights more lines), then d to delete this block.

The advantage is, that you have a visual feedback on what gets deleted.

  • Thanks. The downside is that the block might be pretty long, and d%dd is faster.
    – Adam Matan
    Commented Jul 25, 2018 at 15:09

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