Using these options
set wrap linebreak nolist
set showbreak=~ "adds specified character after wrap
set breakindent "forces word wrap to start at last lines indentation level
set display=lastline "shows as much of last line as possible in wrap mode
when editing prose that expands over multiple lines, if you insert text the wrapping will correctly keep adjusting.
If you instead do cw
or 2cw
or whatever, text no longer wraps on word, but visually appears to be wrapped by character. But this is actually false, because when you hit x or some similar command, the character deleted is not the one that was under the cursor.
I have to hit :se wrap
to adjust the text after doing a 2cw
type of command.
Is there a setting I'm missing, or one I'm using that might be causing this bug?
Using just the plain mac osx
I am able to reproduce this bug after commenting out my whole .vimrc and running only
set wrap linebreak nolist
So if I c2w
, and f,
a few times to get to a comma on the next line, the cursor will highlight with an inaccuracy of the number of characters that should have been wrapped. So if "Perhaps" was cut off at "Perh" the cursor will be on the second "e" in ", deeper", but pressing x will still delete the comma. So it's a visual problem.
It might not be obvious, but this is a case where you insert more than you deleted with the change command. So cw
"a man" and replace with "something there" or whatever, in order to force the wrapping to need to readjust.
option is only included in and after patch-7.4.338.vim -u NONE
and see if the problem persists.