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Vim not setting t_Co after iTerm2 update

Follow up to this question - I've narrowed the issue down to the fact that set t_Co=16 in ~/.vimrc is not being applied. SO post on restricting vim to 16 colors. If I open vim and execute :echo &...
Aaron Parisi's user avatar
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Homebrew Vim not sourcing ~/.vimrc after iTerm, MacOS updates

I am using vim installed via homebrew: > which vim /opt/homebrew/bin/vim > vim --version VIM - Vi IMproved 9.1 (2024 Jan 02, compiled May 09 2024 07:15:02) macOS version - arm64 Included ...
Aaron Parisi's user avatar
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:terminal colorscheme inside Vim is different from either Vim or Host Terminal

I have a gruvbox theme applied to Vim inside my vimrc. The problem is that when I run the :terminal command inside Vim the colorscheme is different from either the Vim theme or the terminal emulator's ...
Yuki Yoshimine's user avatar
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Why can't I install this colorscheme properly?

I'm trying to install this colorscheme. They instructed to use a package manager so I've used vim-plugged: Plug 'rakr/vim-one' While my colours on vim did change, it really does not look like the ...
idankor's user avatar
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In Vim, how to enable Meta in all keybindings?

In case it's relevant, this is on MacOS and iTerm. How do I use key mappings that involve the Meta key, e.g. <M-e>? For example, the auto-pairs plugin has a keybinding that allows you to ...
A is for Ambition's user avatar
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E488: Trailing Characters error after attempting to install vim-hybrid

So I'm trying to use Vim-Hybrid as my native Vim theme but I've been running into a couple issues with it. Everytime I run the vim command now, I've been receiving the following error message: E488: ...
Benji Durden's user avatar
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Changing colorscheme does not change text color?

I am new to vim and am trying to set a colorscheme. However, for both pre-installed and new colorschemes, the only thing that happens when I change the colorscheme is the background color changes. For ...
Frick Steves's user avatar
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Linespace in Vim using iTerm2

I am using Vim 7.4.488 in iTerm2. Currently I've configured the 'linespace' setting in iTerm2's preferences. However, I would like to set a different linespace for Vim. I know that :set linespace=1 ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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