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Traditional Vi and its regular expressions

I'd just want to get confirmation on (and maybe some background to) the way that Bill Joy's vi, sometimes found as traditional-vi on some BSD systems, handles regular expressions. It seems as if most ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

What is the rationale for \r and \n meaning different things in s command?

We all know that, when searching, \n is newline and \r is carriage return (^M), but when replacing \r is newline while \n is a null byte (^@). What is the origin of this asymmetry? Given that this ...
Matteo Italia's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why are ^ and $ still magic in nomagic mode?

In 'nomagic' mode, ^ and $ have a special meaning and no others do. Why were these selected, rather than making people type \^ and \$ just as they do for \. and \*? EDIT: I have been able to confirm ...
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