I'm trying to automate the creation of .vimrc using this command:

printf "\n# Funcionar como vim y no como vi\nset nocompatible\n\n# Colorear sintaxis\nsyntax on\ncolorscheme sienna\n\n# Otros seteos\n# Más info, desde vim poner: :help '<comando>'\nset backspace=2\nset wrapmargin=8\nset ruler\nset number\n" > ~/.vimrc

But I get this error: E488 in lines 2, 5 9 and 10.

The .vimrc file after the execution is:

# Funcionar como vim y no como vi
set nocompatible

# Colorear sintaxis
syntax on
colorscheme sienna

# Otros seteos
# Más info, desde vim poner: :help '<comando>'
set backspace=2
set wrapmargin=8
set ruler
set number

Thank you for your help.

  • 1
    # is not the comment character in vim. It is ". For example, " This is a comment Commented Sep 5, 2016 at 21:19

1 Answer 1


# is not a comment character, " is. So it should read:

" Funcionar como vim y no como vi
set nocompatible

" Colorear sintaxis
syntax on
colorscheme sienna

" Otros seteos
" Más info, desde vim poner: :help '<comando>'
set backspace=2
set wrapmargin=8
set ruler
set number

Yeah, it's a strange choice, but it is what it is.

The easiest way to fix this in your shell command is to switch the shell quotes to ':

printf '\n" Funcionar como [...]'

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