After reading help textwith
and help fo-table
, I expected that when I set
set textwidth=20 " for demonstration
set formatoptions=tcq
then inserting text would always eventually cause a line to wrap, but that isn't the case. Wrapping only happens at (or before) my cursor. And if I paste, wrapping doesn't happen at all.
Example (Vim 7.4):
This is a long line
The line will auto-wrap if I hit A
and start typing.
But if I hit 02wi
and type "still ", it doesn't wrap:
This is still a long line
I have to type another 7 characters before it will wrap, and then the problem continues on the next line:
This is still more <-- it wraps here
typing and again a long line
Pasting doesn't trigger a wrap either:
This is a long line This text is pasted and not wrapped
I think what I want is set fo+=a
but that applies at the paragraph level, whereas I don't want auto-formatting of one line to spread to other lines.
Or am I missing an option?
To be clear, after launching vim -u NONE
, this is what I type (less comments):
:set textwidth=20<CR>
:set formatoptions=tcq<CR>
iThis is a long line<ESC>
02wistill <ESC> " no wrap happens, but I'd like it to
:let @r = "This text is pasted and not wrapped"<CR>
$"rp " no wrap happens, but I'd like it to
vim -u NONE
to prevent loading a vimrc file. Does this fix the problem for you? Which Vim version are you using?paste
set, accidentally? Try:set paste?
is not set. Whenpaste
is set no wrapping happens at all.