• Is there a text object for current line?

  • Is there a text object for ^$?


2 Answers 2


Here are crude "line" text objects:

xnoremap il g_o0
onoremap il :normal vil<CR>
xnoremap al $o0
onoremap al :normal val<CR>

And a crude "buffer" text object:

xnoremap i% GoggV
onoremap i% :normal vi%<CR>


An "operator" is a command that doesn't do anything by itself: d, y, etc.

Pressing those keys put you in "operator-pending mode", where Vim waits for you to tell it what you want it to operate on… with an "operator-pending motion".

You can use :omap or :onoremap to define custom operator-pending motions. The technique used here is inspired by :help omap-info:

  1. you define a visual mode mapping that covers the desired area,
  2. you use that mapping in an operator-pending mapping.

Note that I used :onoremap because il, al and i% don't already exist. If you are overriding an existing motion or text-object — say ip — you must use a recursive mapping: :omap.

:help :map-operator describes a slightly more advanced method.

See :help v_o for o in visual mode.

  • 1
    Cool. Would you mind explaining a few bits of it? What is o (operator pending mode) in onoremap? What does o in visual mode do? I would guess that it is "other side", because it seems to jump to the other side of a selection... How do i find :hon it? I can't find it with :h x_o or :h o.
    – lindhe
    Commented Jan 14, 2016 at 18:14

I would suggest an additional solution, to use ^ instead of 0 (so the line starts at the beginning of the first character:

xnoremap il g_o^
onoremap il :normal vil<CR>
xnoremap al $o^
onoremap al :normal val<CR>

This way if we do "change in line" it will respect the indentation level.


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