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Questions tagged [custom-text-object]

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Use textobject selection with nnoremap

I hope this is not an XY problem, but I need the following thing: I have parameterized markdown fences (in vimwiki), i.e: ```c int a = 5; printf("%d", 5 <++>) ``` So my idea is when ...
Fedja's user avatar
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Setting change/visual marks with empty inner motion in custom text objects

This has been discussed on Vim’s issue tracker. By default for the default builtin motions where the 'indside' of a text object is empty - such as double quote (say we have the following text "&...
user2742982's user avatar
0 votes
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How can expand and contract visual selection from a tag block?

Say I have hierarchical markup like this: <div id="level_1"> <div id="level_2"> <div id="level_3"> watermelon </div> </div>...
Sasgorilla's user avatar
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Is there a plugin that provides a new text element that works on single AND double quotes?

I have a common task which is refactoring typescript import statements. However sometimes the quotes used for the dependency path are single quotes and sometimes double quotes. this means when i go ...
Steven Lu's user avatar
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How to define text-object of "between markdown code fence with syntax"?

I want to create a binding for using vim-slime to run code between a code fence in markdown. This worked with a simple fence, using i` as a text-object: nmap <leader>s7 <Plug>...
fbence's user avatar
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Make operator that doesn't change gv

I'm trying to redefine my inner and outer line text objects so that they don't change gv. First I had onoremap <silent> il :<C-u>normal! $v^<CR> I changed it based on Using visual ...
minseong's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to select the next text object?

How can I move to the next text object? E.g. with cursor on the first , in {}, {}, {} ^ then calling va} selects the middle {}. This is the behaviour I want to be able to achieve consistently, even ...
minseong's user avatar
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How to remap default vim text-object keys to different keys like ' to n

I use ci', va" pretty often, I would like to map text-object keys like " ' to more accessible keys like m, n since writing cin, vam is much easier than ci' va". I tried the following ...
ytkimirti's user avatar
2 votes
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Copy content inside brackets and the word in front of bracket (i.e. a text object for function calls)

Quite often I copy or remove content inside brackets d% or y%. MyAwesomeClass( ///content ) But this way I get: ( ///content ) Is there a way to copy word in front of the bracket too? So that ...
Chris's user avatar
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3 answers

How to copy between two '##'

In vim, there is a way to yank between two quotations by using yi'. And there is a way to yank between two square brackets by using yi]. I want to do this between two ##: some_text ## Point #1 --> ...
Al-Baraa El-Hag's user avatar
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Text Object for HTML/XML attributes, e.g. data-foo="bar baz caz"

Is there a plugin or a way to work with HTML text objects, e.g. Say the cursor is in one of the attributes below: <div data-foo="bar baz caz" class="a b c"> I wish to treat ...
run_the_race's user avatar
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Create a new matching-tag-pair textobject?

Vim provides a builtin textobject t that captures a matched pair of HTML tags — so e.g. if you start with this <i>that█ <b>those</b></i>, then typing dat in normal mode leaves ...
Leah Velleman's user avatar
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How to handle no content for a custom text object?

I am building custom text object in lua. With the following code, I am able to change content within certain symbols. This is my code: local in_symbol = function(start_symbol, end_symbol, mode) ...
John Winston's user avatar
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An easier (or friendlier) way to write text object

Text objects are one of the power of Vim that I particulary like. I wanted to create my personnal text object with the p (="previous") and n (="next") parameters. For instance if I ...
Fabrice Hategekimana's user avatar
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Text object for a field between tabs

I'd like to define a text object for tab-delimited fields in a tsv file. So far, I have vnoremap af :<C-U>silent! normal! T<Tab>vf<Tab><CR> omap af :normal Vat<CR> ...
Kamil S.'s user avatar
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Is a smart text object possible?

Is it possible to create a smart text object for i), i], i}, i>, i' and i"? The text object would represent the first innermost object it can find. For example, with cursor on the plus sign ...
Nathanael Weiss's user avatar
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Disabling `kana/vim-textobj-entire` by filetype autocommand

kana/vim-textobj-entire creates text-obejcts ae and ie which stand for the entire buffer. But in lervag/vimtex ae and ie stand for an environment in a .tex file. vimtex's ae and ie mappings are much ...
mahbubweb's user avatar
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Selector for line of text?

To grab a full word from anywhere in the word I can do: viw And to grab an entire line from start to finish I can do: V However, is there a section that grabs all text from the first char to the ...
David542's user avatar
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Is there an instant way of editing matching inner tags?

In Vim, using the text object i>, you can edit an inner tag, and using the built-in matchit plugin, you can even use % to jump between matching opening and closing tags. Let's say you want to ...
lpf's user avatar
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Inserting text at the beginning of all lines selected in visual line mode [duplicate]

I have selected a JS block such as following: function map(xs: string[], cb: Function) : string[] { const result: string[] = []; for(let i = 0; i++; i < xs.length) { result.push(cb(xs[i]));...
hyde's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to "move to the beginning of the next text object"?

Suppose I have a defined text object. For example, I have a ii text block which defines all the contiguous lines around the cursor at the same level of indentation or deeper. I know what it means to, ...
preferred_anon's user avatar
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Custom prompt message when saving file

The default message displayed on the prompt when one saves a file is "<file_name>" <nlines>L, <ncharacters>C written and it remains in the prompt until another message is to be ...
noibe's user avatar
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Change definition of "under the cursor" for ctags with C++ qualifiers

When jumping to a tag it seems that ":" are ignored for the purpose of "under the cursor" (I'm assuming it's "word" "under the cursor"). For example if I want to jump to myTree::Node something I ...
kabanus's user avatar
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How to remap ci$

I am using the plugin vimtex. It offers the functionality (from the introduction of its documentation) Text objects ic ac Commands id ad Delimiters ie ae LaTeX environments i$ a$ ...
user avatar
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How to pass v:register to custom operator when working on custom text object?

I have a simple custom operator, it echoes v:register, it's mapped to ,f. After reading this, i creat it like this : function! s:foo(type,...) echo v:register endfunction function! s:setupOpfunc(...
dedowsdi's user avatar
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Selecting code chunk in Rmarkdown

I am writing an RMarkdown file, which is a document that is a hybrid of text and R code. Here is an example of what that document could look like: Here is an example of text within my Rmarkdown file. ...
JKing's user avatar
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8 votes
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How can I tell vim to ignore spelling errors inside quotes?

If I'm editing a text file with :set spell, is there any way to have vim not check words within the boundaries of certain characters against the word list? I want to be able to write things like ...
myc3lium's user avatar
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define a text object as the boundary of two marks

Is there a way to turn the "region bounded by two specific marks" into a text object similar to aw or ap? I've been messing around with vi and found it convenient to use a and b. and define a region ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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Do operator ranges/movements/textobjects always overwrite the last visual selection? workaround?

In vim, when I operate on a textobject from a plugin, say the 'inner indent' typed ii from kana/vim-textobj-indent, my last visual selection ('>, '<) is reset to where the operator worked on. ...
simlei's user avatar
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14 votes
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How to visually select based on indentation?

If someone is editing the following javascript file: let foo = true if (foo) { let bar = 42 // moooooore code... } You can use vi{ anywhere on the line with let bar to select let bar = 42 and ...
joaumg's user avatar
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How can I create a text object for a Python block comment?

Suppose I have some Python code with a “block comment” (i.e. multiple consecutive comment lines) in the middle of a paragraph: a = function1() # Remember: if you pass an even number to function2, ...
bdesham's user avatar
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Define new text object for snake case

I recently discovered iskeyword as in set iskeyword-=_ so that I can change just part of a snake case word, like changing character_idx to char_idx using ciw. This was working great, except sometimes ...
mas's user avatar
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Is there a text object or motion for non-comment lines are not separated from comment lines by blank lines? E.g., in git commit messages

Consider the text A B # C # D Is there a text object or motion that will select lines A and B if the cursor is on either, but not select lines C and D? ap or ip with the cursor on any of those four ...
cxw's user avatar
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Change text between two $ symbols

If there is some text between quotations, such as "x = 5" I can type ci" in normal mode to delete the text inside the quotations and switch to insert mode. I often want to perform this same action ...
Vermillion's user avatar
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change inner backslashed quotes

I know the ci" motion and others :changes, but I need something like a ci\" in order to change inner a backslashed quotes. Assuming * as the cursor position: a = "message says: \"fo*o bar\"" I would ...
intmarinoreturn0's user avatar
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How to select/delete/yank the contents of only the current fold?

When using foldmethod=marker, how do you select or reference exactly the contents of the current fold? I want to swap the order of two folds. If they were paragraphs, I would do dap { p. However, I ...
cxw's user avatar
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New text object for LaTeX subscript or superscript

Suppose in a latex file, I have a line $X_{i_{j}}$ and $Y^{i_{k}}$ My goal is to define a text object in VIM for the subscript, i.e. _{i_{j}}, and superscript, i.e. ^{i_{k}}. I was reading this ...
semibruin's user avatar
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Vim operation - creating a new text object selector for entire file [duplicate]

You can do dap, or vap, etc to select a paragraph. I want to be able to select/yank/delete the entire file. One way to do this would be to have: vnoremap af ggoG$ nnoremap yaf ggVGy nnoremap daf ...
Dylanthepiguy's user avatar
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How can you turn off text highlighting (hlsearch) with custom text objects?

I am implementing a custom text object in visual mode, but this text object uses regular expressions to find the beginning and ending of the selection. However, when I do this, other parts of the text ...
magnus's user avatar
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Using Text Objects with vimtex

I am having trouble figuring out how to use the text objects with the vimtex plugin. The mappings with leaders and the commands in normal and insert mode are fine. But to get environments, sections, ...
user1536's user avatar
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textobj-user: must the patterns be different?

I'm trying to make a text-object that is a paragraph surrounded by lines containing %. To test something simpler, I tried: call textobj#user#plugin('pc', { \ 'code': { \ 'pattern': ['%<', '%'...
Toothrot's user avatar
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Define text object that depends on the current operator

I'm curious if it is possible to make a text object aware of its operator. In particular, I am writing a text object for LaTeX environments, where I want different behaviour depending on the operator. ...
Karl Yngve Lervåg's user avatar
17 votes
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Is there a text object for current line?

Is there a text object for current line? Is there a text object for ^$?
lindhe's user avatar
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11 votes
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Rectangular regions as text objects?

Is it possible to define a text object in vim that will act on a rectangular region? For instance, suppose I have vertically aligned columns of text, like this: column 1 co column 2 col lumn 1 ...
Leah Velleman's user avatar
36 votes
5 answers

Is there a text object for the entire buffer?

I often find myself typing commands like gg"+yG or ggdG and would like a more efficient way to do this without having to move the cursor twice. Is there any command that I can use e.g. y[movement] to ...
Random832's user avatar
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33 votes
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How can I treat LaTeX quotes as a text object?

Quotation marks in LaTeX are different than in normal text, in that they're formatted ``like this'' (or `like this' for single quotes). This makes it difficult to navigate through them in Vim. I ...
Doorknob's user avatar
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