I make a colorscheme plugin with vimscript (the code sucks, as I've never write a plugin before), there it checks if a global var exist or not.

" nvim-colors/colors/kalm.vim
if !exists('g:kalm_transparent_bg')
    let g:kalm_transparent_bg = 0

if g:kalm_transparent_bg == 1
    hi Normal ctermbg=black ctermfg=white guifg=lightgray
    hi Normal ctermbg=black ctermfg=white guibg=#080a0c guifg=lightgray

The problem is, it seems that this plugin got sourced first before my init.lua which contains the configuration line.

" $HOME/.config/init.lua
vim.cmd [[
    colorscheme kalm
    let g:kalm_transparent_bg = 1

I checked it with --startuptime flag passed to neovim, here's the output:

004.238  000.456  000.456: sourcing /home/galih/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/vendor/start/nvim-colors/colors/kalm.vim
017.180  014.002  003.681: sourcing /home/username/.config/nvim/init.lua

I want so that I can write all the config option inside init.lua, and got it checked inside the plugin file easily. Do you have any idea about how to solve this?

1 Answer 1


The line

colorscheme kalm

Will source your colorscheme file. The color scheme is switched to immediately, this is a command not a setting.

let g:kalm_transparent_bg = 1
colorscheme kalm

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