To execute and debug different kind of programs, I mapped the function keys in the .vimrc-file.
" save and execute perl
:noremap <F5> :w<CR>:!./%<CR>
" save and execute aql
:noremap <F9> :w<CR>:!db<%<CR>
" ...
Works so far. But I would like do press always F5 to save and execute. No matter which programming language!
So I tried to set a "syn_exec" variable in the syntax file (e.g. ~/.vim/syntax/dbquery.vim ~/.vim/after/syntax/perl.vim)
There I have:
" -- Syntax-File --
let syn_exec = [ '', '', '', '', '!db < %', '!db -E < %', '!db -csv < % | ~/db_tools/' ]
" -- .vimrc --
:noremap <F5> :w<CR>:execute syn_exec[4]<CR>
:noremap <F6> :w<CR>:execute syn_exec[5]<CR>
" ...
So far so good. If I open a file, syn_exec is set and F5 executes the code.
If I open another file with another code type (:tabe ~/
), the syntax-file overwrites the "syn_exec" variable. Then I can execute the code of new opened file.
But if I change back to the previous tab, the "syn_exec" doesn't change again...
I think there is a very easy solution to map key concerning to the file-type / code-type. But I don't get it.