I want to replace

GD[many[[brackets]]], GD[evenMore[[[[brackets]]]]]


GD[someStuff], GD[someOtherStuff]

How can I match the correct pair of brackets? These patterns are scattered in a large document and might be enclosed in other brackets. The only way to identify them is through the prefix GD followed by a left bracket [. In the first place, I wanted to use :%s but could not find a solution to identify the pairing right bracket ].

  • Sounds tricky - but might be doable with :help searchpair. I'd think you'd need to write a function using this that replaces stuff inside the outermost brackets (if that's worth the time for you).
    – mattb
    Commented Aug 7, 2022 at 7:11
  • 1
    The other option would be to use a macro, and take advantage of the ci] normal mode command with the cursor positioned in the right place to target the pairs of brackets that you care about. Question: do the brackets that you care about always have GD right before them?
    – mattb
    Commented Aug 7, 2022 at 7:17
  • There are much more such patterns in my document. So it is not a good option to replace them one by one. In the first place, I want to use :%s/pattern/replace/g, and GD is a prefix in this case that I can take advantage of. The brackets I want to match is not the outermost in a line. There are more brackets enclosing the pattern shown here.
    – Yufei
    Commented Aug 7, 2022 at 7:24
  • If there are more brackets enclosing the pattern, then you might want to edit the Q to reflect this (it might have an impact in how people try and solve the problem). Also, does each line have the same number of GD[ occurrences? With a macro, you would only need to do the work once, and then run the macro on all lines with :%norm @q (assuming you recorded into the q register). I have a feeling that the :%s way might not have the power to 'know' which brackets are paired (I could be wrong).
    – mattb
    Commented Aug 7, 2022 at 7:32
  • 1
    There is no restriction other than the presence of GD[. Your suggestion is very inspiring. I didn't know of the existence of norm. Using this and ci[ should solve my problem. I have written a python script to tackle it, but could try it next time when having similar problems. Thanks!
    – Yufei
    Commented Aug 7, 2022 at 12:16

1 Answer 1


From my point of view the solution of @Mattb is probably the better.

But for the sake of completion here is an attempt to provide an answer purely based on regular expression.

To match GD[many] you can use:


To match GD[many] or GD[foo[bar]many[foo]bar]


To match GD[many] or GD[foo[bar]many[foo]bar] or GD[foo[bar[many]foo]bar]


Here is a recursive function that return the expression that match the 'inside' depending of the number of bracket that you want to allow.

function! SearchExpression(n)
  if a:n==0
    return '[^\[\]]*'
    let expression = SearchExpression(a:n - 1)
    return expression . '(\[' . expression . '\]' . expression . ')*'

You can use it in search mode:

:exe '/\vGD\[' . SearchExpression(2) . '\]'

Or in substitute mode:

:exe '/\vGD\[' . SearchExpression(1) . '\]/someStuff/'
:exe '/\vGD\[' . SearchExpression(2) . '\]/someOtherStuff/'

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