I want to create a netrw sidebar whenever I open a new tab. I tried this:

au TabNew,VimEnter *
    \ | :Vex
    \ | :vert res 40

but this makes a layout like this when I :tabe file2:

tab1:          tab2:
netrw|file1    file2|file1

It works fine with TabEnter, but then it opens a new sidebar whenever I switch tabs. How can I fix this?


1 Answer 1


Not sure why you're having the odd behavior with TabNew...

But one possible way to implement a netrw window per tab is to use a TabEnter event together with the :Lexplore command, and some detection of whether :Lex is already opened in a window using the t:netrw_lexbufnr per-tab variable.

function! OpenLexplore()
  if bufwinid(get(t:, 'netrw_lexbufnr')) >= 0
    " If :Lexplore is already opened in a window
    " in the current tab, do nothing.

  " Otherwise, open :Lexplore, resize it, and
  " switch the cursor back to the previous window.
  vertical resize 40
  wincmd p

augroup tab_lexplore
  autocmd TabEnter,VimEnter * call OpenLexplore()
augroup END
  • Thanks, this works great! What's the difference between Lexplore and Vexplore?
    – Stonks3141
    Commented Dec 21, 2021 at 22:00
  • @SamNystrom See :help netrw-:Lexplore for all the details... In short, it toggles the pane on the left (multiple :Vexplores will create multiple netrw panes) and it sets it up so that when you open a file from that pane, it will open in a separate existing window (preserving the netrw pane around even while you're browsing and opening files from it.)
    – filbranden
    Commented Dec 21, 2021 at 22:56
  • 1
    Yeah, that seems better for what I want to use it for.
    – Stonks3141
    Commented Dec 21, 2021 at 23:03

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