How do I search in multiple files for 1st line of file matching a pattern?

e.g. I want to search for files starting with ++

++ Heading 1

and not

+ Heading 1

++ Heading 2

Any pointers appreciated.

  • "files", "lines", something else? Please fix your question.
    – romainl
    Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 7:33
  • 1
    Sorry, first line of file. Fixed question.
    – ayutheos
    Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 8:30
  • Both answers given by kenorb & PhillipFrank worked, I was able to use argdo to find and substitute all occurrences, and vimgrep to check which files have been changed. I've marked one to close this question, but both solutions work. Thank you!
    – ayutheos
    Commented Apr 23, 2015 at 5:35

2 Answers 2


Use :vimgrep as below:

:vimgrep /\%(\%<2l\)foo/ *.*

This will search for foo in all files in the current folders (*.*) only in the 1st line (<2l).

Alternatively may search either in the current file (%), certain files (*.c) or recursively (**/*.*, see: :help starstar-wildcard). See: :help :vimgrep and :help /\%>l.

To jump between patterns, use :cn[ext] and :cp[revious]. See more at SO.

However there is no straight forward solution to use substitution on quickfix list.

To search and replace pattern for the first line only for multiple-files, you can use Ex command:

$ ex +'bufdo!1s/php/bar/ge' -cxa *.*

Note: The :bufdo command is not POSIX.


For doing something to multiple files, :argdo is your friend. You might need to edit the argument list first. It's set to the opened files on vim start, you can output it with :args and set it with, e.g., :args *.txt. After that, a simple :argdo /^++ will search for the first line that starts with ++ and puts the cursor there.

That assumes the cursor is on the first line of each buffer. To assure that, use :argdo :normal 1G first.

Note that you did not specify to do anything special with that line, so I've just performed the search here (search as in "put the cursor there").

Edit: If you wanto to substitute something, just use the usual vim command for argdo, i.e. :argdo %s/^++/--/ge. Note that for edits you should use :set hidden, otherwise it won't be able to switch buffers. Use the e qualifier for the substitution so the command doesn't stop at a buffer with no match.

  • I've edited my question to clarify that I'd like to search in 1st line of files matching a pattern, and replace it with something else. Sorry for the confusion.
    – ayutheos
    Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 9:24
  • I've augmented my answer, is that what you wanted? Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 10:52
  • I believe @ayutheos wants to find ^++ only when it appears in the first line in the file, not find the first occurrence of a line that matches ^++.
    – Rich
    Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 20:25
  • I think therefore that :argdo 1s/^++/--/e should suffice.
    – Rich
    Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 20:38
  • @Rich Yes, that's what I wanted, thanks for clarifying :) . I found that both solutions given by kenorb and PhillipFrank worked (vimgrep gives a quicklist, while argdo substitutes all files in arglist). Thank you!
    – ayutheos
    Commented Apr 23, 2015 at 5:29

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