I have fuzzy file finder (FZF) set up and working:
And when I do :History
it also shows a preview of the file:
I've been able to do a find
with passing an "empty" preview to it:
:FZF --preview 'cat'
However, as soon as I pass any argument (actually anything more than a single argument, regardless of what it is), I get:
:FZF --preview 'cat {}'
Error running '/Users/david/.vim/plugged/fzf/bin/fzf' '--multi' '--prompt' '~/' '-
-preview' ''\''cat' '{}'\''' --expect=ctrl-v,ctrl-x,ctrl-t --height=16 > /var/folde
What seems to be the issue here, and how can I fix it? Tried it both on mac and linux and get the same result.
Note: this exact same command works from the command-line:
$ /Users/david/.vim/plugged/fzf/bin/fzf --multi --prompt ~/ --preview 'cat {}' --expect=ctrl-v,ctrl-x,ctrl-t --height=16 > /var/folders/b1/mmc6r_jj00ldzr2prvqzy56m0000gp/T/vsmz6fL/47