I am writing a compiler plugin for eslint. It mostly works, but I want to ignore some lines in the output and am unsure how.

I'm using the eslint "unix" format, which outputs errors like so:

/Users/chris/Sites/build/web/test.js:1:1: Use the function form of 'use strict'. [Error/strict]
/Users/chris/Sites/build/web/test.js:2:3: Unexpected console statement. [Warning/no-console]

2 problems

Notice the blank line and "2 problems" line at the bottom.

My errorformat is this: %f:%l:%c:\ %m

This works, except I get the blank line and the "2 problems" line in my quickfix list, like so.

test.js|1 col 1| Use the function form of 'use strict'. [Error/strict]
test.js|2 col 3| Unexpected console statement. [Warning/no-console]
|| 2 problems

Reading the errorformat help docs, I see I can ignore some pieces with %-, but I'm unsure how to apply that to just blank lines or lines matching this "[number] problems" format.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  • I'm not an expert (hence a comment instead of an answer), but would assume %-G%.%# as the last part of errorformat. As I understand it, it means "ignore all that match .*. The other lines were already matched by previous parts.
    – Ralf
    Commented Feb 8, 2019 at 17:39
  • Thanks for commenting @Ralf! I think you're probably right that this is the direction to go, however using %-G%.%# at the end of errorformat gives me this error: E377: Invalid %- in format string. Commented Feb 8, 2019 at 20:44

1 Answer 1


Try the following:

:set errorformat=%A%f:%l:%c:%m,%-G%.%#

The final %-G%.%# acts as a "catch all" clause, that ignores all lines, that are not matched by previous expressions.

The following should also work:

:set errorformat=%A%f:%l:%c:%m,%-G\\s%#,%-G%*\\d\ problem%.%#


  • %-G\\s%# ignores all lines that contains zero or more whitespaces. This inclues empty lines.
  • %-G%*\\d\ problem%.%# ignores lines, that start with digits, a space and followed by "problem". I removed the final s and replaced it by %.%# (regex: .*), as I don't know if the s is omitted, when only one problem is detected.

The expression to match zero-or-more whitespaces (\\s%#) is different from zero-or-more digits (%*\\d). I'm don't understand why this is different.

Both formats tested with your example input.

  • That worked, thanks so much! And thanks for the thorough explanation. Commented Feb 8, 2019 at 21:56

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