How to determine if the cursor is placed on the last character of the word under the cursor?

I can get information about the word under cursor like determining if the length of the word under the cursor is 1 character:


But as far as I see the expression expand('<cword>') only returns the word itself with no information about the cursor position.

Any help pointing towards a potential solution is appreciated.

2 Answers 2


I'd take a more experimental approach that @Karl Yngve Lervåg does in his answer:

This works by moving the cursor back a word and then forwards again and then seeing if the cursor is in the same place. If it is, then the cursor was on the end of a <word>.

Using this technique saves you having to reverse-engineer and reimplement Vim's <word> algorithm in VimScript.

function! EndWord() abort
  let pos = getpos('.')
  normal! gee
  if pos == getpos('.')
    return v:true
    call setpos('.', pos)
    return v:false
  • Thank you for sharing this answer. Tested it and it seems to work for what I had in mind. Commented Dec 5, 2018 at 22:37
  • @KarolisKoncevičius Glad I could help!
    – Rich
    Commented Dec 5, 2018 at 22:39

I would get the characters on the current line from the cursor and on and check if they match the end-of-word atom, i.e. something like this:

map <silent> q :call Test()<cr>

function! Test() abort
  return strcharpart(getline('.'), virtcol('.')-1, 3) =~# '^\w\>'

Here I've added a map for making it easy to test. You can adjust the function, resource the file and then use q to test the function.

I use virtcol and strcharpart to support multibyte characters.

  • Thank you for the answer it definitely goes in the right direction. One thing that I am still missing (and it is my fault for not specifying it in the question) is - it doesn't work on non-word characters, like : or ). Maybe you have any quick pointers about how to make it behave in-tune with vim's word motion definition? I tried replacing \w with \k in your example, but it didn't help: when the cursor is on a loose ":" for example - it doesn't consider that a "word". Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 19:55
  • It's a bit unclear exactly what you want to consider a word. Do you want to adhere to :help word? Or perhaps :help WORD? The first thing to try is to change \w with \S, i.e. any non space character. Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 8:01
  • Thank you for the reply. Yep, I would like to adhere to :word or in other words - any character where vim's e motion stops on should return "1" for the "end of word" test. I found that there is \k for "iskeyword" but it didn't get me anywhere. Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 9:54

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